Rick Swartzentrover
© 05-04-1998
Depression is a lot like being
in a cave
It's dark; it's lonely and cold
like the grave
It has no heat, no friendship,
no light
It has no direction, no left,
no right |
The only sounds you hear are
the sound that you make
the beat of your heart as it
starts to break
your foot steps echoing and
the sound of your mind
as you quietly go mad and emotional
blind |
Alone in the cave you begin a
self-pitying mope
You strike out at God as you
begin to loose hope
"This is all your fault!" "You're
the reason I'm lost!"
"You call yourself a Savior,
just get back on your cross!" |
But then in the morning, in the
newness of day
The cave's vanished and the
depressions fled away |
Jesus begins to speak and lovingly
answer the “whys”
You were never alone, just didn't
open your eyes. |