Rick Swartzentrover
© 02/28/98
Oh fallen Imp
State that you’re in
Once Sapphire wings
Just rotting skin |
Look at the height
From which you have fallen
God’s Sweet voice |
Never hear callin’ |
Your goal was to be
Like the most High
Worshiped yourself
And swallowed a lie
Misery Incarnate
Eternally dead
Tried bruising God’s heal
Wound up crushing your head
Hater of Christians |
Hater of Jews |
Hater of mankind
I know you will lose
War that you began
Is already lost
Lost before it started
Didn’t count all the cost |
Son of the Morning
Lucifer fell
Had all of heaven |
Now only has Hell
You’re going to Hell
I won’t shed a tear
When you’re finally judged |
I’ll raise a great cheer |
Hey mister Satan
I've got something to say
I'm one of the fish
One that got away
You've used and abused me |
And enslaved me for years |
You've tortured my Spirit
You've laughed at my tears |
The strings have been cut |
I'm your puppet no more
Go find a new lover
I'm no longer your Whore |
So go to Hell
You impotent Imp
You may grind the organ |
But I'm no longer your chimp |
I serve a new Drummer
He has His own beat
His Music is love
And His tempo is sweet
You once called him Father
You once called Him Boss
You once called Him Loser
As He hung on your cross
Who’s loser now
Oh, open your eyes
King of the Dung Heap |
Lord of the flies |