Upland Game Birds |
Gruiformes |
American Coot |
American Coot |
Common Moorhen |
Common Moorhen |
Oystercatchers, Stilts, and Avocets |
Killdeer |
Killdeer |
Sandpipers |
Sanderling |
Sanderling |
Spotted Sandpiper Adult Nonbreeding |
SurfBird |
SurfBird 1 |
SurfBird 2 |
SurfBird 3 |
Willet |
Willet |
Black-necked Stilt |
Black-necked Stilt |
American Avocet |
American Avocets @ Malibu Lagoon |
Skuas, Jaegers, and
Gulls |
California Gull |
California Gull |
Heermann's Gull |
Heermann's Gull 1 |
Heermann's Gull 2 |
Ring-billed Gull |
Ring-billed Gull 1 |
Ring-billed Gull 2 |
Western Gull |
Western Gull Catching & Eating a Halibut |
Terns and Skimmers |
Black Skimmer |
Black Skimmer |
Alcids |
Pigeons and Doves |
Rock Dove (Pigeon) |
Dove |
Dove - Nubbs the One Legged Pegion |
Parrots and Their
Allies |
Cuckoos and Their
Allies |
Owls |
Nighthawks, Nightjars |
Trogons and
Quetzals |
Kingfishers |
Swifts |
Hummingbirds |
Woodpeckers |
Tyrant Flycatchers
Flycatchers, Kingbirds, Phoebes, Wood-Pewees |
Shrikes and Vireos |
Jays, Crows, and
Their Allies |
American Crow |
American Crow 1 |
American Crow 2 |
Western Scrub-Jay |
Western Scrub-Jay |
Larks |
Swallows |
Violet-green Swallow |
Violet-green Swallow |
Nuthatches, and Their Allies |
Wrens |
and Wrentit |
Kinglets, Old World Warblers, and Gnatcatchers |
Thrushes |
Mimids |
Wagtails and Pipits |
Waxwings, Silky-Flycatchers, and Starlings |
European Starling |
European Starling |
Wood-Warblers |
Tanagers, Cardinals, and Their Allies |
Emberizine Sparrows and Their Allies |
Icterids |
Brewer's Blackbird |
Brewer's Blackbird - Bathing |
Brewer's Blackbird - Female |
Brewer's Blackbird - Female 2 |
Brown-headed Cowbird |
Brown-headed Cowbird |
and Old World Sparrows |
House Sparrows |
Battling Male House Sparrows |
House Sparrow - Dust Bath |
Nutmeg Mannikin |
Nutmeg Mannikin |
Sparrow Singing |
Sparrow Singing |
White-crowned Sparrow |
White-crowned Sparrow - First Winter |