CHAPTER V¶ 536. CONSTITUTION OF THE GENERAL WOMAN’S MISSIONARY SOCIETYNAME This organization shall be known as the Woman’s Missionary Society of the Free Methodist Church of North America, organized in general, conference, district and local units, auxiliary to the Commission on Missions. OBJECT The object of this organization shall be to pro mote missionary intelligence, to deepen interest in world evangelism and to secure systematic contributions for missions. MEMBERS 1. The general society shall be composed of the general officers, two representatives on the Commission on Missions, one delegate from each conference, and an additional delegate from each conference having over seven hundred active members. 2. The delegates and reserve delegates are to be elected by their respective conference societies at their annual session immediately preceding the session of this society. 3. No person shall be elected as delegate to this body who is not a member of the Free Methodist Church and an active member of the Woman’s Missionary Society, nor any person who is a delegate or reserve delegate to the General Conference of the Free Methodist Church. MEETINGS The meetings of this society shall be held quadrennially at the time and place of the General Conference, when a report of its operations, conditions and prospects shall be presented. An election by bal lot of general officers and representatives on the Commission on Missions shall be held at that time. OFFICERS 1. The officers of this society shall be a president, first vice-president, and mission study secretary, second vice-president and stewardship secretary, treasurer, corresponding secretary, recording secretary, editor of the Missionary Tidings, and Junior superintendent. 2. A nominating committee may be chosen to submit nominations to the society. 3. A parliamentarian may be appointed by the president. ELIGIBILITY 1. No person shall be eligible to office in this society who is not a member of the Free Methodist Church and an active member in the Woman’s Missionary Society. 2. No general officer may serve more than twelve years consecutively in the same office. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1. The general officers together with the representatives on the Commission on Missions shall constitute a general executive committee to administer the affairs of the organization and to transact business in the intervals of the quadrennial meeting. Five of these officers shall constitute a quorum. 2. The executive committee shall meet annually at the time and place of the meeting of the Commission on Missions. 3. The executive committee shall elect (a) a superintendent of foreign boxes, (b) a literature agent and these shall report annually to the executive committee. ADVISORY BOARD There shall be an advisory board of three members elected by the society. METHODS No methods of raising money or of conducting meetings shall be used which are not in harmony with the Discipline of the Free Methodist Church. CONTINGENT FUNDS Five per cent of the funds of this society shall be reserved as a contingent fund and deposited in a savings bank. JUDICIARY COMMITTEE A judiciary committee shall be appointed to serve as a court of appeal in case of inquiry into any act or decision of the president of this body, the executive committee or any member thereof, the board of direct. ors or any member thereof. This committee shall consist of three members elected by ballot in Quadrennial Meeting. Inquiry may originate in any society, local, district or conference, but shall be brought before this body only by the executive committee of a conference society. AMENDMENT This Constitution may be altered or amended at any Quadrennial Meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting. Constitution of Local, District, and Conference Units
This society shall be called the Woman’s Missionary Society of ................................................................. local ............................................................................ district ....................................................... Conference auxiliary to the Woman’s Missionary Society of the Free Methodist Church. OBJECT The object of this organization shall be to promote missionary intelligence, to deepen interest in world evangelism and to secure systematic contributions for missions. MEMBERS 1. The payment of twenty-five cents a quarter, or one dollar a year, shall constitute membership in the local society, and the payment of twenty-five dollars raised or given for that purpose shall constitute life membership. The payment of ten dollars or more shall constitute membership “In Memoriam.” 2. Men are welcomed as honorary members on payment of dues. 3. No one may hold at the same time membership in more than one local W. M. S., but any young woman under thirty may belong both to the W. M. S. and the Y. P. M. S. at the same time. 4. Membership in the local society shall constitute membership in the district and conference. 5. A certificate of membership shall be given when a member transfers from one society to another. 6. The names of the officers of the conference and district society, together with the names of the members present at an annual meeting shall constitute the roll. MEETINGS 1. Local meetings shall be held monthly. Each society shall decide at its first meeting how many members shall constitute a quorum. 2. District meetings shall be held quarterly at the time and place of the district quarterly meeting. Five members shall constitute a quorum. 3. The conference society shall meet annually at the time and place of the annual conference. One half the members in attendance shall constitute a quorum. OFFICERS 1. The officers of this society shall be a president, first vice-president and mission study secretary, second vice-president and stewardship secretary, treasurer, corresponding secretary, recording secretary, Junior superintendent and literature agent, elected by ballot. In the conference society a box superintendent may also be elected. These officers shall constitute an executive committee to transact business in the interim of meetings. The executive committee shall have power to fill vacancies in the offices of the society. The term of office shall hold until the close of the next annual meeting or until successors shall be elected. The local and district officers may be elected before or after conference. 2. A nominating committee may be chosen. 3. A parliamentarian may be appointed by the president. ELIGIBILITY 1. All conference and district officers and all local presidents must be members of the Free Methodist Church and active members of the Woman’s Missionary Society; Junior superintendents must be members of the Free Methodist Church and active or honorary members of either the W. M. S. or Y. P. M. S. All other officers may be either active or honorary members of the W. M. S. and as far as possible must be members of the Free Methodist Church. 2. No local or district officer may serve more than four years, and no conference officer more than eight years consecutively in the same office. SPECIAL FUNDS 1. No money raised by the payment of dues shall be applied to any special fund nor shall the money raised for special funds be applied on life member ship. 2. A working fund for local, district or
conference may be raised by offerings and held by the treasurer for such
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