By Josiah Blake Tidwell
Some General Matters and Biblical Characters. Some General Matters. Any intelligent reading of the Bible requires a knowledge of some general matters. This chapter looks to the study of some of the most important of them. Sacred Mountains and Hills. (1) Ararat, Gen. 8:4. (2) Lebanon. 1 K. 5:6; Josh, 13:5-6. (3) Hor, Num. 34:7-8. (4) Hermon, Dt. 4:48; S. of S. 4:8. (5) Gilead, Gen. 31:25; Dt. 32:49. (7) Tabor, Josh. 19:22; Jud. 4:6. (8) Carmel, Is. 32:9; 1 K. 18-19. (9) Moriah, 2 Chron. 3:1-10. Zion, 2 Sam. 5:7-9; Ps, 87:2, 5. (11) Sinai, Ex. 19:1, 11 etc. (12) Horeb, Ex. 3:1; 1 K. 19:8 etc. (13) Calvary Mt. 27:45. (14) Olivet or Olives, Zech. 14:4: Mk. 13:3. The Jewish Months. Hebrew Names Roman Names. 1. Nisan or Ahib March and April 2. Iyar or Ziv April and May. 3. Sivan May and June. 4. Tammuz June and July. 5. Ab July and August. 6. Elul August and September. 7. Tisri or Eharium September and October. 8. Marchesvan October and November. 9. Casleu or Chisleu November and December. 10. Tebeth December and January. 11. Shebat January and February. 12. Adar February and March. Politico-Religious Parties. 1. The Parties. (1) The Galileans. (2) Samaritans. (3) Proselytes. (4) Hellenists. (5) Herodians. (6) Publicans. 2. The Religious Classes. (1) Scribes. (2) Pharisees. (3) Sadducees. (4) Zealots. (5) Essenes. Note. By reference to some good Bible dictionary become familiar with the history and importance of all the topics of the chapter. Some Biblical Characters. Twenty Principal Men (1) Adams, Gen. 1-3. (2) Noah, Gen. 5-9. (3) Abraham, Gen. 12-25. (4) Jacob, Gen. 25-50. (5) Moses, Ex-Dt. (6) Joshua, Josh. (7) Gideon, Jud. 6-8. (8) Samuel, 1 Sam. 1-25. (9) David, 2 Sam. and 1 Chron. 11-29. (10) Solomon, 1 K. 1-11, 2 K. 2. (11) Hezekiah, 2 K. 18-20. (12) Josiah, 2 K. 22-23. (13) Daniel, Dan. 1-12. (14) Ezra, Ezr. 7-10; Neh. 8. (15) John the Baptist, Mt. Lu. Jno. (16) Peter, Four Gospels and Acts. (17) Paul, Acts 9-28 and the Epistles. (18) John, the Gospels and Revelation. Some Prophets. First Group. Tell something of the character and work of each of the following: (1) Enoch, Jude 14; (2) Noah, 2 Pet. 2:5; Gen. 6:25-27; (3) Samuel, 1 Sam. 9:9; 1 Chron. 29:29; (4) Nathan, 2 Sam. 7:2-4;12:2-7; (5) Gad, 1 Sam. 22:5; 2 Sam. 24:11; (6) Ahijah, 1 K. 14:2; (7) Elijah, 1 K. 17-19; 1 Sam. 1-2; (8) Elisha, 2 K. 3-8; (9) Jonah, the book; (10) Malachi, the book; (11) Agabus, Acts 21:10; (12) Daughters of Philip, Acts 21:9. Second Group. Sam. - King. What prophet prophesied to each of the following kings and what message did he bring: (1) Saul. 1 Sam. 15:17. (2) David, 2 Sam. 7:2-3; 12:2-7. (3) Solomon, (4) Rehoboam, 1 K. 12:22; (5) Asa. (6) Ahab, 1 K. 17:1 ff. (7) Jeroboam. (8) Joash, 2 K. 13:14. (9) Jeroboam II, 1 K. 11:29 ff. (10) Ahaz. Is. 7:1-3. (11) Hezekiah, Is. 19:2. (12) Josiah and his sons, 2 K. 22:14. Third Group. Which prophet prophesied against the following nations and what was the nature of their prophecy: (1) Syria, Is. 17:3; Jer. 49:23; Amos. 1:3; Zech. 9:2; (2) Ninevah, Jonah, 1;1. Nahum 2:8 etc; (3) Babylon, Is. 13:1; Jer. 25:12; (4) Moab, Is. 15:1 Jer. 25:21; Jer. 47; Eze. 25:8; Amos 2:1. (5) Ammon, Jer. 49:6; Eze. 21:28; Amos 1:13; (6) Philistia, Is. 14:29. Zech. 9:6; Jer. 47:1. 4 Eze. 25:15; (7) Egypt. Is. 19:1; Jer. 44:28; Eze. 29; (8) Tyre of Phoenicia. Some Women. First Group. In what connection and in what books of the Bible are the following women considered? (1) Eve, Gen. 2:20; 4:1. (2) Sarah, Gen.11, 29; 17:15. (3) Hagar, Gen. 16:1. (4) Rebekah, Gen. 24:15. (5) Keturah, Gen. 25:1. (6) Rachel, Gen. 29: 16ff. (7) Leah, Gen. 29:16ff. (8) Dinah, Gen. 30:21; 34:11. (9) Adah, Gen. 36:2. (10) Asenath, Gen. 41:45. (11) Shiphrah and Puah, Ex. 1:15. (12) Jehochebed, Ex. 6:20. (13) Miriam. Ex. 2:4; 15:20; Num. 12:1 etc. (14) Zipporah, Ex. 2:21; 4:23; 18:20. (15) Rahab. Josh, 2:1-21. Heb. 11:31; Mt. 1:5. (16) Deborah. Jud. 4:4. (17) Ruth, Ruth 1:4. (18) Hannah, 1 Sam. chs. 1-2. (19) Bathshebah, 2 Sam. 11:3. (20) Abishag, 1 K. 1:3. (21) Jezebel, 1 K. 21:5. (22) Vashti, Esth. 1:19. (23) Esther, Esth. 2:7. (24) Mary. Mt. 1:18; Lu. 1:27. (25) Elizabeth. Lu. 1:5. (26) Martha. Jno. 12:2. (27) Sapphira, Acts 5:1. (28) Tabitha, Dorcas, Acts 9:36. (29) Lydia Acts. 16:14. Second Group. In what connection are the following mentioned; (1) The witch of Endor, 1 Sara. 28:7. (2) The women of Tekoa. 2 Sam. 14. (3) The queen of Sheba, 1 King 17:9. 10 (Elijah). (5) The woman of Shunem, 2 King 4:8 (Elisha). (6) The Samaritan woman. Jho. Ch. 4. (7) The Syrophenician woman, Matt. 15:21-28. (8) Peter's mother in-law. Matt. 8: 14-17. (9) The widow of Nain, Lu. 7:11. (10) The daughter of Jairus, Matt. 9:23-26. Third Group. Who is the mother of: (I) Seth. Gen. 5:3. (2) Isaac, Gen. 21:1 ff. (3) Ishmael, Gen. 16:16. (4) Jacob, Gen. 25:20ff (5) Judah. Gen. 29:35. (6) Joseph, (7) Ephraim. Gen. 41:52. (8) Moses, Ex. 6:20. (9) Samuel. 1 Sam. 1:20. (10) Joab. I Chron. 2:16. (11) Absalom, 2 Sam. 3:3. (12) Solomon, 2 Sam. 12:24. (13) Rehoboam, I King 14:21-22. (14) John the Baptist, Lu. 1:57.
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