Nahum 2, 3
THE scene now changes from the presence and awful
arsenal of the Almighty to the historical consummation of His
vengeance. Nahum foresees the siege of Nineveh. Probably the Medes
have already overrun Assyria. The "Old Lion" has withdrawn to his
inner den, and is making his last stand. The suburbs are full of the
enemy, and the great walls which made the inner city one vast
fortress are invested. Nahum describes the details of the assault.
Let us try, before we follow him through them, to form some picture
of Assyria and her capital at this time.
As we have seen, the Assyrian Empire began about 625 to shrink to
the limits of Assyria proper, or Upper Mesopotamia, within the
Euphrates on the southwest, the mountain-range of Kurdistan on the
northeast, the river Chabor on the northwest, and the Lesser Zab on
the southeast. This is a territory of nearly a hundred and fifty
miles from north to south, and rather more than two hundred and
fifty from east to west. To the south of it the Viceroy of Babylon,
Nabopolassar, held practically independent sway over Lower
Mesopotamia, if he did not command as well a large part of the Upper
Euphrates Valley. On the north the Medes were urgent, holding at
least the farther ends of the passes through the Kurdish mountains,
if they had not already penetrated these to their southern issues.
The kernel of the Assyrian territory was the triangle, two of whose
sides are represented by the Tigris and the Greater Zab, the third
by the foot of the Kurdistan mountains. It is a fertile plain, with
some low hills. Today the level parts of it are covered by a large
number of villages and well-cultivated fields. The more frequent
mounds of ruin attest in ancient times a still greater population.
At the period of which we are treating, the plains must have been
covered by an almost continuous series of towns. At either end lay a
group of fortresses. The southern was the ancient capital of
Assyria, Kalchu, now Nimrud, about six miles to the north of the
confluence of the Greater Zab and the Tigris. The northern, close by
the present town of Khorsabad, was the great fortress and palace of
Sargon, Dur-Sargina: it covered the roads upon Nineveh from the
north, and standing upon the upper reaches of the Choser protected
Nineveh’s water supply. But besides these there were scattered upon
all the main roads and round the frontiers of the territory a number
of other forts, towers, and posts, the ruins of many of which are
still considerable, but others have perished without leaving any
visible traces. The roads thus protected drew in upon Nineveh from
all directions. The chief of those, along which the Medes and their
allies would advance from the east and north, crossed the Greater
Zam, or came down through the Kurdistan mountains upon the citadel
of Sargon. Two of them were distant enough from the latter to
relieve the invaders from the necessity of taking it, and Kalchu lay
far to the south of all of them. The brunt of the first defense of
the land would therefore fall upon the smaller fortresses.
Nineveh itself lay upon the Tigris between Kalchu and Sargon’s city,
just where the Tigris is met by the Choser. Low hills descend from
the north upon the very site of the fortress, and then curve east
and south, bow-shaped, to draw west again upon the Tigris at the
south end of the city. To the east of the latter they leave a level
plain, some two and a half miles by one and a half. These hills
appear to have been covered by several forts. The city itself was
four-sided, lying lengthwise to the Tigris and cut across its
breadth by the Choser. The circumference was about seven and a half
miles, enclosing the largest fortified space in Western Asia, and
capable of holding a population of three hundred thousand. The
western wall, rather over two and a half miles long, touched the
Tigris at the other end, but between there lay a broad, bow-shaped
stretch of land, probably in ancient times, as now, free of
buildings. The northwestern wall ran up from the Tigris for a mile
and a quarter to the low ridge which entered the city at its
northern corner. From this the eastern wall, with a curve upon it,
ran down in face of the eastern plain for a little more than three
miles, and was joined to the western by the short southern wall of
not quite half a mile. The ruins of the western wall stand from ten
to twenty, those of the others from twenty-five to sixty, feet above
the natural surface, with here and there the still higher remains of
towers. There were several gates, of which the chief were one in the
northern and two in the eastern wall. Round all the walls except the
western ran moats about a hundred and fifty feet broad-not close up
to the foot of the walls, but at a distance of some sixty feet.
Water was supplied by the Choser to all the moats south of it; those
to the north were fed from a canal which entered the city near its
northern corner. At these and other points one can still trace the
remains of huge dams, batardeaux, and sluices; and the moats might
be emptied by opening at either end of the western wall other dams,
which kept back the waters from the bed of the Tigris. Beyond its
moat, the eastern wall was protected north of the Choser by a large
outwork covering its gate, and south of the Choser by another
outwork, in shape the segment of a circle, and consisting of a
double line of fortification more than five hundred yards long, of
which the inner wall was almost as high as the great wall itself,
but the outer considerably lower. Again, in front of this and in
face of the eastern plain was a third line of fortification,
consisting of a low inner wall and a colossal outer wall still
rising to a height of fifty feet, with a moat one hundred and fifty
feet broad between them. On the south this third line was closed by
a large fortress.
Upon the trebly fortified city the Medes drew from east and. north,
far away from Kalchu and able to avoid even Dur-Sargma. The other
fortresses on the frontier and the approaches fell into their hands,
says Nahum, like "ripe fruit." {Nah 3:12} He cries to Nineveh to
prepare for the siege. {Nah 3:14} Military authorities suppose that
the Medes directed their main attack upon the northern corner of the
city. Here they would be upon a level with its highest point, and
would command the waterworks by which most of the moats were fed.
Their flank, too, would be protected by the ravines of the Choser.
Nahum describes fighting in the suburbs before the assault of the
walls, and it was just here, according to some authorities, that the
famous suburbs of Nineveh lay, out upon the canal and the road to
Khorsabad. All the open fighting which Nahum foresees would take
place in these "out-places" and "broad streets" the mustering of the
"red" ranks, the "prancing horses" and "rattling chariots" {Nah 3:2}
and "cavalry at the charge." {Nah 3:3} Beaten there the Assyrians
would retire to the great walls, and the waterworks would fall into
the hands of the besiegers. They would not immediately destroy
these, but in order to bring their engines and battering-rams
against the walls they would have to lay strong dams across the
moats; the eastern moat has actually been found filled with rubbish
in face of a great breach at the north end of its wall. This breach
may have been effected not only by the rams but by directing upon
the wall the waters of the canal; or farther south the Choser
itself, in its spring floods, may have been confined by the
besiegers and swept in upon the sluices which regulate its passage
through the eastern wall into the city. To this means tradition has
assigned the capture of Nineveh, and Nahum perhaps foresees the
possibility of it: "the gates of the rivers are opened, the palace
is dissolved."
Now of all this probable progress of the siege Nahum, of course,
does not give us a narrative, for he is writing upon the eve of it,
and probably, as we have seen, in Judah, with only such knowledge of
the position and strength of Nineveh as her fame had scattered
across the world. The military details, the muster, the fighting in
the open, the investment, the assault, he did not need to go to
Assyria or to wait for the fall of Nineveh to describe as he has
done. Assyria herself (and herein lies much of the pathos of the
poem) had made all Western Asia familiar with their horrors for the
last two centuries. As we learn from the prophets and now still more
from herself, Assyria was the great Besieger of Men. It is siege,
siege, siege, which Amos, Hosea, and Isaiah tell their people they
shall feel: "siege and blockade, and that right round the land!" It
is siege, irresistible and full of cruelty, which Assyria records as
her own glory. Miles of sculpture are covered with masses of troops
marching upon some Syrian or Median fortress. Scaling ladders and
enormous engines are pushed forward to the walls under cover of a
shower of arrows. There are assaults and breaches, panic-stricken
and suppliant defenders. Streets and places are strewn with corpses,
men are impaled, women led away weeping, children dashed against the
stones. The Jews had seen, had felt these horrors for a hundred
years, and it is out of their experience of them that Nahum weaves
his exultant predictions. The Besieger of the world is at last
besieged; every cruelty he has inflicted upon men is now to be
turned upon himself. Again and again does Nahum return to the vivid
details, he hears the very whips crack beneath the walls, and the
rattle of the leaping chariots; the end is slaughter, dispersion,
and a dead waste.
Two other points remain to be emphasized. There is a striking
absence from both chapters of any reference to Israel. Jehovah of
Hosts is mentioned twice in the same formula, {Nah 2:13; Nah 3:5}
but otherwise the author does not obtrude his nationality. It is not
in Judah’s name he exults, but in that of all the peoples of Western
Asia. Nineveh has sold "peoples" by her harlotries and "races" by
her witchcraft; it is "peoples’" that shall gaze upon her nakedness
and "kingdoms" upon her shame. Nahum gives voice to no national
passions, but to the outraged conscience of mankind. We see here
another proof, not only of the large, human heart of prophecy, but
of that which in the introduction to these Twelve Prophets we
ventured to assign as one of its causes. By crushing all peoples to
a common level of despair, by the universal pity which her cruelties
excited, Assyria contributed to the development in Israel of the
idea of a common humanity.
The other thing to be noticed is Nahum’s feeling of the incoherence
and mercenariness of the vast population of Nineveh. Nineveh’s
command of the world had turned her into a great trading power.
Under Assurbanipal the lines of ancient commerce had been diverted
so as to pass through her. The immediate result was an enormous
increase of population, such as the world had never before seen
within the limits of one city. But this had come out of all races
and was held together only by the greed of gain. What had once been
a firm and vigorous nation of warriors, irresistible in their united
impact upon the world, was now a loose aggregate of many peoples,
without patriotism, discipline, or sense of honor. Nahum likens it
to a reservoir of waters {Nah 2:8} which as soon as it is breached
must scatter, and leave the city bare. The Second Isaiah said the
same of Babylon, to which the bulk of Nineveh’s mercenary populace
must: have fled:-
"Thus are they grown to thee, they who did weary thee, Traders of
thine from thy youth up Each as he could escape have they fled None
is thy helper."
The prophets saw the truth about both cities. Their vastness and
their splendor were artificial Neither of them, and Nineveh still
less than Babylon, was a natural center for the world’s commerce.
When their political power fell, the great lines of trade, which had
been twisted to their feet, drew back to more natural courses, and
Nineveh in especial became deserted. This is the explanation of the
absolute collapse of that mighty city. Nahum’s foresight, and the
very metaphor in which he expressed it, were thoroughly sound. The
population vanished like water. The site bears little trace of any
disturbance since the ruin by the Medes, except such as has been
inflicted by the weather and the wandering tribes around. Mosul,
Nineveh’s representative today, is not built upon it, and is but a
provincial town. The district was never meant for anything else.
The swift decay of these ancient empires from the climax of their
commercial glory is often employed as a warning to ourselves. But
the parallel, as the previous paragraphs suggest, is very far from
exact. If we can lay aside for the moment the greatest difference of
all, in religion and morals, there remain others almost of cardinal
importance. Assyria and Babylonia were not filled, like Great
Britain, with reproductive races, able to colonize distant lands,
and carry everywhere the spirit which had made them strong at home.
Still more, they did not continue at home to be homogeneous. Their
native forces were exhausted by long and unceasing wars. Their
populations, especially in their capitals, were very largely alien
and distraught, with nothing to hold them together save their
commercial interests. They were bound to break up at the first
disaster. It is true that we are not without some risks of their
peril. No patriot among us can observe without misgiving the large
and growing proportion of foreigners in that department of our life
from which the strength of our defense is largely drawn-our merchant
navy. But such a fact is very far from bringing our empire and its
chief cities into the fatal condition of Nineveh and Babylon. Our
capitals, our commerce, our life as a whole are still British to the
core. If we only be true to our ideals of righteousness and
religion, if our patriotism continue moral and sincere, we shall
have the power to absorb the foreign elements that throng to us in
commerce, and stamp them with our own spirit.
We are now ready to follow Nahum’s two great poems delivered on the
eve of the Fall of Nineveh. Probably, as we have said, the first of
them has lost its original opening. It wants some notice at the
outset of the object to which it is addressed: this is indicated
only by the second personal pronoun. Other needful comments will be
given in footnotes.
1. "The Hammer is come up to thy face! Hold the rampart! Keep watch
on the way! Brace the loins! Pull thyself firmly together! The
shields of his heroes are red, The warriors are in scarlet; Like
fire are the of the chariots in the day of his muster, And the
horsemen are prancing. Through the markets rage chariots, They tear
across the squares; The look of them is like torches, Like
lightnings they dart to and fro. He musters his nobles. They rush to
the wall and the mantlet is fixed! The river-gates burst open, the
palace dissolves. And Hussab is Stripped, is brought forth, With her
maids sobbing like doves, Beating their breasts. And Nineveh! she
was like a reservoir of waters, Her waters. And now they flee.
"Stand, stand!" but there is none to rally. Plunder silver, plunder
gold! Infinite treasures, mass of all precious things! Void and
devoid and desolate is she. Melting hearts and shaking knees,"
"And anguish in all loins, And nothing but faces full of black
"Where is the Lion’s den, And the young lions’ feeding ground?
Whither the Lion retreated, The whelps of the Lion, with none to
affray: The Lion, who tore enough for his whelps, And strangled for
his lionesses. And he filled his pits with prey, And his dens with
"Lo, I am at thee (oracle of Jehovah of Hosts): I will put up thy in
flames. The sword shall devour thy young lions: I will cut off from
the earth thy rapine, And the noise of thine envoys shall no more be
2. "Woe to the City of Blood, All of her guile, robbery-full,
ceaseless rapine!"
"Hark the whip, And the rumbling of the wheel, And horses galloping,
And the rattling dance of the chariot! Cavalry at the charge, and
flash of sabres, And lightning of lances, Mass of slain and weight
of corpses, Endless dead bodies-They stumble on their dead For the
manifold harlotries of the Harlot, The well-favored mistress of
charms She who sold nations with her harlotries And races by her
"Lo, I am at thee (oracle of Jehovah of Hosts): I will uncover thy
skirts to thy face; Give nations to look on thy nakedness, And
kingdoms upon thy shame; Will have thee pelted with filth, and
disgrace thee, And set thee for a gazing-stock; So that everyone
seeing thee shall shrink from thee and say,"
‘Shattered is Nineveh-who will pity her? Whence shall I seek for
comforters to thee?’
"Shalt thou be better than No-Amon, Which sat upon the Nile
streams-waters were round her-Whose rampart was the sea, and waters
her wall? Kush was her strength and Misraim without end; Phut and
the Lybians were there to assist her. Even she was for exile, she
went to captivity: Even her children were dashed on every street
corner; For her nobles they cast lots. And all her great men were
fastened with fetters."
"Thou too shalt stagger shalt grow faint; Thou too shalt seek help
from the foe All thy fortresses are fig-trees with figs early-ripe:
Be they shaken they fall on the mouth of the eater."
"Lo, thy folk are but women in thy midst: {Jer 50:37; Jer 51:30} To
thy foes the gates of thy land fly open; Fire has devoured thy
"Draw thee water for siege, strengthen thy forts! Get thee down to
the mud, and tramp in the clay! Grip fast the brick-mould! There
fire consumes thee, the sword cuts thee off. Make thyself many as a
locust swarm, Many as grasshoppers Multiply thy traders more than
heaven’s stars, -The locusts break off and fly away, They are as
locusts and thy as grasshoppers, That hive in the hedges in the cold
of the day":
"The sun is risen, they are fled, And one knows not the place where
they be. Asleep are thy shepherds, O king of Assyria, Thy nobles do
slumber; Thy people are strewn on the mountains, Without any to
gather. There is no healing of thy wreck, Fatal thy wound! All who
hear the brunt of thee shall clap the hand at thee. For upon whom
hath not thy cruelty passed without ceasing?"