Zephaniah 3
THE third chapter of the Book of Zephaniah
consists of two sections, of which only the first, Zep 3:1-13, is a
genuine work of the prophet; while the second, Zep 3:14-20, is a
later epilogue such as we found added to the genuine prophecies of
Amos. It is written in the large hope and brilliant temper of the
Second Isaiah, saying no word of Judah’s sin or judgment, but
predicting her triumphant deliverance out of all her afflictions.
In a second address to his city (Zep 3:1-13) Zephaniah strikes the
same notes as he did in his first. He spares the king, but denounces
the ruling and teaching classes. Jerusalem’s princes are lions, her
judges wolves, her prophets braggarts, her priests pervert the law,
her wicked have no shame. He repeats the proclamation of a universal
doom. But the time is perhaps later. Judah has disregarded the many
threats. She will not accept the Lord’s discipline; and while in
Zephaniah 1-Zephaniah 2:3 Zephaniah had said that the meek and
righteous might escape the doom, he now emphatically affirms that
all proud and impenitent men shall be removed from Jerusalem, and a
humble people be left to her, righteous and secure. There is the
same moral earnestness as before, the same absence of all other
elements of prophecy than the ethical. Before we ask the reason and
emphasize the beauty of this austere gospel, let us see the exact
words of the address. There are the usual marks of poetic diction in
it-elliptic phrases, the frequent absence of the definite article,
archaic forms, and an order of the syntax different from that which
obtains in prose. But the measure is difficult to determine, and
must be printed as prose. The echo of the elegiac rhythm in the
opening is more apparent than real: it is not sustained beyond the
first verse. Zep 3:9 and Zep 3:10 are relegated to a footnote, as
very probably an intrusion, and disturbance of the argument.
"Woe, rebel and unclean, city of oppression! She listens to no
voice, she accepts no discipline, in Jehovah she trusts not, nor has
drawn near to her God.
Her princes in her midst are roaring lions; her judges evening
wolves, they not till morning; her prophets are braggarts and
traitors; her priests have profaned what is holy and done violence
to the Law. Jehovah is righteous in the midst of her, He does no
wrong. Morning by morning He brings His judgment to light: He does
not let Himself fail-but the wicked man knows no shame. I have cut
off nations, their turrets are ruined; I have laid waste their broad
streets, till no one passes upon them; destroyed are their cities,
without a man, without a dweller. I said, Surely she will fear Me,
she will accept punishment, and all that I have visited upon her
shall never vanish from her eyes. But only the more zealously have
they corrupted all their doings.
Wherefore wait ye for Me-oracle of Jehovah-wait for the day of My
rising to testify, for ‘tis My fixed purpose to sweep nations
together, to collect kingdoms, to pour upon them all the heat of My
wrath-yea, with the fire of My jealousy shall the whole earth be
"In that day thou shalt not be ashamed of all thy deeds, by which
thou hast rebelled against Me: for then will I turn out of the midst
of thee all who exult with that arrogance of thine, Jill and thou
wilt not again vaunt thyself upon the Mount of My Holiness. But I
will leave in thy midst a people humble and poor, and they shall
trust in the name of Jehovah. The Remnant of Israel shall do no
evil, and shall not speak falsehood, and no fraud shall be found in
their mouth, but they shall pasture and they shall couch, with none
to make them afraid."
Such is the simple and austere gospel of Zephaniah. It is not to be
overlooked amid the lavish and gorgeous promises which other
prophets have poured around it, and by ourselves, too, it is needed
in our often unscrupulous enjoyment of the riches of grace that are
in Christ Jesus. A thorough purgation, the removal of the wicked,
the sparing of the honest and the meek; insistence only upon the
rudiments of morality and religion; faith in its simplest form of
trust in a righteous God, and character in its basal elements of
meekness and truth, -these and these alone survive the judgment. Why
does Zephaniah never talk of the Love of God, of the-Divine
Patience, of the Grace that has spared and will spare wicked hearts
if only it can touch them to penitence? Why has he no call to
repent, no appeal to the wicked to turn from the evil of their ways?
We have already seen part of the answer. Zephaniah stands too near
to judgment and the last things. Character is fixed, the time for
pleading is past; there remains only the separation of bad men from
the good. It is the same standpoint (at least ethically) as that of
Christ’s visions of the Judgment. Perhaps also an austere gospel was
required by the fashionable temper of the day. The generation was
loud and arrogant; it gilded the future to excess, and knew no
shame. The true prophet was forced to reticence; he must make his
age feel the desperate earnestness of life, and that salvation is by
fire. For the gorgeous future of its unsanctified hopes he must give
it this severe, almost mean, picture of a poor and humble folk,
hardly saved but at last at peace.
The permanent value of such a message is proved by the thirst which
we feel even today for the clear, cold water of its simple promises.
Where a glaring optimism prevails, and the future is preached with a
loud assurance, where many find their only religious enthusiasm in
the resurrection of mediaeval ritual or the singing of stirring and
gorgeous hymns of secondhand imagery, how needful to be recalled to
the earnestness and severity of life, to the simplicity of the
conditions of salvation, and to their ethical, not emotional,
character! Where sensationalism has so invaded religion, how good to
hear the sober insistence upon God’s daily commonplaces-"morning by
morning He bringeth forth His judgment to light"-and to know that
the acceptance of discipline is what prevails with Him. Where
national reform is vaunted and the progress of education, how well
to go back to a prophet who ignored all the great reforms of his day
that he might impress his people with the indispensableness of
humility and faith. Where Churches have such large ambitions for
themselves, how necessary to hear that the future is destined for "a
poor folk," the meek and the honest. Where men boast that their
religion-Bible, Creed, or Church-has undertaken to save them,
"vaunting themselves on the Mount of My Holiness," how needful to
hear salvation placed upon character and a very simple trust in God.
But, on the other hand, is any one in despair at the darkness and
cruelty of this life, let him hear how Zephaniah proclaims that,
though all else be fraud, "the Lord is righteous in the midst" of
us. "He doth not let Himself fail," that the resigned heart and the
humble, the just, and the pure heart, is imperishable, and in the
end there is at least peace.
Zep 3:14-20
Zephaniah’s prophecy was fulfilled. The Day of
the Lord came, and the people met their judgment. The Remnant
survived-"a folk poor and humble." To them, in the new estate and
temper of their life, came a new song from God-perhaps it was nearly
a hundred years after Zephaniah had spoken-and they added it to his
prophecies. It came in with wonderful fitness, for it was the song
of the redeemed, whom he had foreseen, and it tuned his book, severe
and simple, to the full harmony of prophecy, so that his book might
take a place in the great choir of Israel-the diapason of that full
salvation which no one man, but only the experience of centuries,
could achieve.
"Sing out, O daughter of Zion! shout aloud, O Israel! Rejoice and be
jubilant with all thy heart, daughter of Jerusalem! Jehovah hath set
aside thy judgments, He hath turned thy foes. King of Israel,
Jehovah is in thy midst; thou shalt not see evil any more. "In that
day it shall be said to Jerusalem, Fear not, O Zion, let not thy
hands droop! Jehovah, thy God, in the midst of thee is mighty; He
will save, He will rejoice over thee with joy, He will make new His
love, He will exult over thee with singing.
"The scattered of thy congregation have I gathered-thine are they
reproach upon her. Behold, I am about to do all for thy sake at that
time, and I will rescue the lame and the outcast will I bring in, {Mic
4:6} and I will make them for renown and fame whose shame is in the
whole earth. In that time I will bring you in, even in the time that
I gather you. For I will set you for fame and renown among, all the
peoples of the earth, when I turn again your captivity before your
eyes, saith Jehovah."