The Church of Christ (Holiness)
U.S.A. is a Holiness body of
Christians headquartered in
Jackson, Mississippi.
The Church of Christ (Holiness)
U.S.A. shares a common early
history with the Church of God
in Christ. Charles Price Jones,
a Missionary Baptist preacher in
Alabama and later Mississippi,
accepted the doctrine of
Holiness around 1896. During
this time C.P. Jones became
associated with W. S. Pleasant,
J. A. Jeter, Charles Harrison
Mason, along with other Holiness
leaders. In 1897, C.P. Jones
conducted a Holiness convention
from June 6-15 at the church he
pastored, Mt. Helm Baptist
Church, in Jackson, Mississippi.
In 1898, the name Mt. Helm
Baptist Church was changed to
Church of Christ. This new group
of Holiness leaders was expelled
from the Jackson Baptist
Association. From that
expulsion, they adopted the name
Christ Association of
Mississippi of Baptized
Believers in Christ in 1900, and
the national Holiness movement
accepted the name by C. H.
Mason—Church of God in Christ—in
1906. In that same year, an
annual convocation selected J.
A. Jeter, C. H. Mason, and D. J.
Young to investigate the Azusa
Street Revival conducted by
[[William J. Seymour]. C.H.
Mason and D. J. Young accepted
William Seymour's teaching
concerning the baptism of the
Holy Spirit and returned with
such doctrinal message with
great enthusiasm. After an
extended discussion on the issue
of the baptism of the Holy
Spirit, at the 1907 convention,
a right hand of fellowship, a
separation occurred, with C. H.
Mason, D. J. Young and others
leading a Holiness, Pentecostal
group. C. P. Jones retained its
Holiness emphasis when other
early African-American leaders
such as C. H. Mason embraced
The name Church of God in Christ
was widely held by both groups
until 1915, when Bishop C. H.
Mason had the name COGIC,
incorporated. Churches of the
Holiness division began to use
the name Church of Christ
Holiness, and in October of 1920
was chartered in the state of
Mississippi as the Church of
Christ (Holiness) U.S.A..
The Church of Christ (Holiness)
U.S.A. is trinitarian with a
Holiness emphasis. Water baptism
of believers by immersion and
the Lord's supper as a memorial
are held to be ordinances of the
church. Foot washing is also
practiced, but it is not
regarded as an ordinance. The
church does not reject speaking
in tongues (glossolalia). The
church emphasizes that the Holy
Spirit is an indispensable gift
to every believer, but places no
emphasis on an initial evidence
as speaking in tongues to be the
results of such gift.
The church in the United States
is divided into eight dioceses -
Eastern, North Central,
Northern, Pacific North West,
South Central, South Eastern,
South Western, and Western. In
1998 the Church of Christ
(Holiness) had 10,393 members in
167 congregations in the U. S.
Following the death of Bishop
Jones, in 1949, Bishop Major
Rudd Conic, Sr. became the
President and Senior Bishop of
the Church. He held both
positions until 1992. In 1996
Bishop Maurice D. Bingham of
Jackson, Mississippi was elected
Senior Bishop, a position he
held until August of 2004.
Bishop Emery Lindsay of Chicago
is the Current Senior Bishop;
Bishop Vernon Kennebrew (Little
Rock, Arkansas) is the
President. It's annual "National
Convention" is held during the
month of July. The church will
celebrate it's 111th Convention
in Jackson, Mississippi in 2007.
Statement of Beliefs:
We believe in ONE GOD, and that
He only is God (Exodus 6:3;
Isaiah 45:5,6; John 17:3); that
He is eternal (Genesis 1:1;
Exodus 3:14; Isaiah 44:6; Psalm
90:2; 102:27;ITimothy 1:17;
Revelation 1:8); invisible
(Exodus 33:20; John 1:18; 4:24);
infinite in wisdom (Job 11:7-10;
Psalm 145:3; 147:5); goodness
(Psalm 36:6; 104:21; 145:9,16;
Matthew 5:45); mercy, love and
grace (Psalm 107:1; John 3:16;
Luke 1:54; Romans 9:16;
Ephesians 1:6,7; 2:4-9; Titus
2:11-14); power (Job 42:2;
Matthew 19:26; Luke 1:37) that
He is Maker of Heaven and earth
(Genesis I: John 1:3); and that
as God. He is triune, being
revealed as Father, Son and Holy
Ghost (Matthew 28:19; 1 Timothy
3:16; 1 John 5:7).Article H -
The Son of God We believe that
Jesus Christ, the Son of God
(Matthew 16:16, 17:5), is the
second person in the Godhead,
co-equal and coexistent, with
the Father, and the Holy Ghost
(Phil. 2:5; John 1:24; Matthew
1:18; Mark 1:11; I John 1:3, 7;
Isaiah 7:14). We further believe
in the fullness of time He was
manifested in the flesh,
incarnated by the power of the
Holy Ghost (Luke 1:34-35) in the
womb of the Virgin Mary (John
The Holy Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
the third Person in the triune
Godhead; and that He is ever
present and active in the Church
of Christ (John 14:16);
convicting (John 16:8) and
regenerating those who believe
in Jesus Christ; dwelling in,
sanctifying, teaching, and
comforting believers (John
14:16,17; 17:17) and guiding
them into all truth as it is in
Christ Jesus (John 16:13), (John
14:26), and empowering them to
wit ness (Acts 1:8).
The Holy Bible
We believe that the Holy Bible
is composed of sixty-six books,
known as the Old and New
Testaments, and that said books
contain the eternal inerrant
word of God. (Isaiah 40:8;
43:13; Psalm 80:36-37; Matthew
24:35; John 1:1-4). We believe
that the Bible was writ ten by
holy men as they were moved by
the Holy Ghost (2 Samuel 23:1,2;
2 Peter 1: 19-21; 2 Timothy
3:16) and that it contains all
necessary truth pertaining to
salvation and to Christian
living (II Peter 1:3).
Original Sin
(a) We believe that original sin
is the corruption of the nature
of all offspring of Adam by
which they are separated from
original righteousness and made
sinners by nature (Romans
3:9-24; 5:12-21; 6:20), and that
it is referred to in the
scriptures as, the carnal mind;
the flesh; sin that dwelleth in
me; and such like. (Romans 7:17;
(b) We believe that original sin
renders man unfit to enter the
presence of God (Genesis
3:22-24), and incapacitates man
for the service of God (Romans
8:7, 8), and to keep God's holy
law (Romans 7:12-18; 8:6, 7).
(c) We believe that original sin
cannot be overcome by mere force
of human will, nor by mental
culture (Romans 7:12-23), but
must be eradicated by the Holy
Spirit through the blood of
Jesus Christ (Hebrews 9:14;
10:29; 13:12; 1 John 1:7).
(d) We believe that original sin
brings every man under the
penalty of death (Romans 5:12)
and makes man by nature a child
of wrath (Ephesians 2:1-3), and
that only Christ can deliver
from the penalty of death and
restore man to divine favor and
give everlasting life (John
3:16-19; I John 5:10-
We believe that the atonement
made by Jesus Christ through the
shedding of His blood for the
remission of sins is for the
whole human race; and that
whosoever repents and believes
on the Lord Jesus Christ is
justified and regenerated and
saved from the dominion of sin.
(Romans 3:22-26; 5-9; Hebrews
2:9; Hebrews 9:13-14, 22).
We believe that repentance is a
sincere change of the mind
involving a sense of personal
guilt of sin and a turning away
from sin to righteousness; and
that the penitent heart is
graciously helped and pardoned
by the spirit of God. (Acts
2:37, 38; 26:18; 3:19; Ro mans
10:9, 10).
We believe that justification is
God's Judicial work done for
man, whereby full pardon is
granted to all who repent,
believe and receive Jesus Christ
as personal Savior and Lord,
exonerating him from the guilt
of sin. (Acts 10:43; Romans
3:24-27; 5:1; 2:16-18).
We believe that regeneration is
a spiritual transformation
wrought in the heart of the
penitent by the Holy Spirit
through the instrumentality of
the word of God, renewing him in
the spirit of his mind
(Ephesians 4:23); and that no
accountable person may enter
into the kingdom of God without
having this experience. (John
3:3-7; Romans 12:2; Ephesians
4:22- 24; James 1:18; I Peter
We further believe that
regeneration is manifested by
victory over the world and sin
(I John 3:7-10), and by
regulating one's relationship
with all men according to the
will of God, having the heart
filled with divine love. (I John
4:7, 8; 5:1, 2).
We believe that sanctification
is the act of divine grace,
whereby man is freed from moral
depravity, (original sin) and
made holy.
We further believe that
sanctification can and must be
experienced in this present
world to fit man to see God.
(John 17:15-17; Hebrews 10:14;
Titus 2:11, 12; I Theses. 5:23).
In justification, the guilt of
sin is removed; in re
generation, the love of sin is
removed; in sanctification, the
inclination to practice sin is
We believe in the resurrection
of the dead; that Christ truly
rose from the dead, ascended
into heaven and is now sitting
at the right hand of the Father
making intercession for us.
(Acts 1:9; 7:56; Romans 8:34;
Hebrews 1:3; 7:25.) We also
believe in the bodily
resurrection of the dead, both
of the just and the unjust
(Daniel 12:2; John 5:28, 29;
Revelation 20:12, 13); and that
the just shall be raised
incorruptible and shall be
changed and made like unto
Christ's own glorious body. (I
Corinthians 15:52; Philippians
3:20, 21). The unjust shall be
resurrected also, but unto
everlasting damnation and
punishment. (Revelation
The Second Coming
We believe that the Lord Jesus
Christ will return to rapture
the church and to judge the
living and the dead. (Acts 1:10,
11; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18;
Hebrews 9:28; II Peter 3:10).
We believe that baptism is
commanded by our Lord as an
ordinance in the church; and
that it belongs to the believer
in the gospel of Jesus Christ
(not infants who cannot believe)
- and that the Bible way of ad
ministering it is by immersion.
(Matthew 28:19-20; Mark
16:14-16; Acts 8:36-39; Romans
The Lord's Supper
We believe that the Lord's
Supper is a New Testament
ordinance, and that it was
instituted when our Lord
celebrated His Last Passover
with His disciples, and that it
consists of bread arid wine
(unfermented), and that as often
as we take it we show forth the
Lord's death till He comes again
(Matthew 26:26-29; Mark
14:22-25; Luke 2 19-20; 1
Corinthians 11:23-34).
The Gift of the Holy Ghost
We believe that every true
believer is heir to the Holy
Ghost, (Galatians 4:6, 7).
We believe that He is the gift
of God in Christ Jesus to the
children of God, sanctifying,
quickening, guiding into all
truth, and giving power to obey
and witness God's word (John
14:16-26; Acts 1:8).
We believe that the receiving of
the Holy Spirit is an integral
part of conversion. (Acts 2:39;
5:32; 8:14-16; l0:44-48;
19:1-4). (Corinthians 1:22;
Ephesians 1:13,14).
We believe that the gift of the
Holy Spirit is the ratification
of man's acceptance with God and
the earnest or guarantee of
Man's eternal inheritance in
Christ. (II Corinthians1:22;
Ephesians 1:13, 14).
We believe that the Holy Ghost
baptized the church, Jews on the
day of Pentecost (Acts 1:4, 5),
Gentiles, at the house of
Cornelius (Acts 11:13-18). His
indwelling also is referred to
as a gift (Acts 2:38, 39), a
receiving (Acts 19:1, 2), a
filling (Ephesians 5:18), and an
anointing (I John 2:27; I
Corinthians 1:21, 22).
We believe that the
spirit-filled life produces the
fruit of the Spirit (Galatians
5:23), however, the greatest
fruit is love (I
Article XVI
Foot Washing
We believe in foot washing as an
act of obedience in following
the example of humility given by
our Lord Jesus Christ (John
13:1-18). We hold that foot
washing is not an ordinance in
the church and were never so
administered in the New
Testament Church.
Spiritual Gifts
We believe that spiritual gifts
are set forth in First
Corinthians 12, 13, 14, and
Romans 12:3, 4. We further
That no one gift is the specific
sign or evidence of the Holy
Spirit's presence, but faith
(Hebrews 11:1) and love (I
Corinthians 13; John 13:35) are
the evidences; not even power
alone is the evidence for that
may be of Satan.
2. That these gifts, though they
may be of use to edification,
may be counterfeited or abused
and are not to be trusted as
evidence. (II. Thessalonians
2:7-12; II Timothy 3:8)
That there are three essential
evidences of the Spirit filled
life: Faith, Hope, and Love.
(Corinthians 13:13)
That the Bible endorses speaking
in tongues, or a gift of
tongues, but that no one really
speaks in tongues unless he
speaks a language understood by
man, as in Acts chapter
That though one speaks with
tongues, it is not the primary
evidence of the Holy Ghost, but
merely a sign, (I Corinthians
14:22), and that when such a
gift is exercised, it should
follow strictly the guidelines
of I Corinthians 14:26-33.
Divine Healing
We believe in and teach divine
healing according to the
scripture (Psalm 103:3; Jeremiah
30:17). We further believe that
divine healing is a gift of God
to the church (I Corinthians
12:9); and that the prayer of
faith will save the sick, and
the Lord will raise them up
(Matthew 9:21, 22; 21:21, 22;
Mark 10:51, 52; James 5:14-16).