Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
Why should we Study the Bible in
an Inductive Way?
Now the Bereans were of more
noble character than the
Thessalonians, for they received
the message with great eagerness
and examined the Scriptures
every day to see if what Paul
said was true. Many of the Jews
believed, as did also a number
of prominent Greek women and
many Greek men. Acts 17:11-12
Because we can gain so much more
from His Word, precepts and
call. Inductive Bible study is
learning how to exegete the
Bible for all its worth with our
best efforts. We do this through
teaching people the tools and
skills to help observe the text,
dig out the meaning, and then
apply it to their lives.
Here are Some Definitions:
Exegesis simply means “to lead
out” or “draw out” extracting
objectively what a text is
actually saying. In practice
with the Bible, it is finding
the true meaning of the passages
of Scripture from its word
meanings and context. It is a
tool and a discipline which
enables us to get more out of
what we read, so we can see a
text in its background and then
gain the intended meaning, not
what we want it to mean. As a
tool, it is an examiner and a
detective that interviews a
passage in a comprehensive,
extensive and serious manner.
This will enable our better
understanding of the Bible that
helps us draw out more of the
meaning for our personal
understanding and spiritual
growth. In this way we can
better internalize a passage for
our convection and explain it
better to others too. In other
words, I want to know Him and
His Word, what He is saying to
Inductive simply means to use
logic induction and reasoning by
examining the particulars, facts
and essence of a text first
before making any conclusions.
Thus, inductive Bible Study
enhances the exegesis process by
enabling us to read the Bible
for all its impact, value and
significance. In practice, we
first examine the ideas and
words of the text, then this
leads us to the meanings and
interpretations, and then we are
led to the conclusions and
applications. As we are
interviewing a passage, we are
also allowing His Word to
intervene and interview us. And
then we are to do this with
reverence, respect and humility
without our preconceptions or
agendas. Thus, seeking what God
is actually saying before we
seek what a passage means. Then
we can apply it to our life in a
more effective and effectual
manner. In other words, I want
to know Christ and His Word
better, to be convicted and
impacted so I can line my life
up to His.
Eisegesis or Isogesis simply
means “to lead in” or “reading
into the Scriptures” as in to
introduce into the text our own
presuppositions, ideas and
thoughts while ignoring what is
actually there to satisfy our
own agendas and opinions. In
practice, this is using our
personal interpretation or
agenda or presupposition,
inserting or expressing ones own
ideas, bias, seeking what we
want it to mean rather than the
actual intended meaning of the
passage. This ignores the
language, context and culture,
leading us to incorrect
conclusions, inconsistent
understandings and also leads to
heresies and false teachings.
This method enables us to read
into a text what is not there
and draw out what God is not
saying. Isogesis causes us to
think this way: In other words,
don’t confuse me with the facts;
I have already made up my mind,
I want to think my way and or
lead my life my way not His Way.
We never ever want to do
eisegesis to God’s most precious
Word, that would be heinous at
best, blasphemous at worst! The
improper use of exegetical
methodologies will skew our
understanding of God and His
precepts leading us to an
improper life and false
teachings. One should always
seek the meaning from the actual
original languages (and/or use
multiple Bible translations and
compare to other passages, do
some research) and context and
also what it meant to the
intended audience then compare
it to other passages to find the
authentic meaning. This is
proper “exegesis.” Never seek a
meaning from modern vernaculars,
theological agendas or
hearsays—because you will skew
the intent that God has for us—that is reading into the
text what God is not saying to
us! Check out: Acts 17:11; 2
Corinthians 4:2; 2 Timothy 2:15
and see how God wants us to
study His Word!
You can do it!
Consequently, faith comes from
hearing the message, and the
message is heard through the
word of Christ. Romans 10:17 Inductive Bible Study is not
just for a pastor or Bible Study
leader, it is for anyone who
wants to know and grow in our
Lord. Some people view the Bible as an
un-climbable mountain, a dark
cave that is feared to be
trespassed upon. Be encouraged,
and be comforted, that you can
indeed do it. Through the
inductive method, you can climb
that mountain and venture into
the cave with confidence. In
fact you will be able to mine
the truths as an expert
“exegete” does! The Bible is a
diamond mine filled with
precious nuggets that can be
applied to your life, for a life
to be transformed and renewed!
As with any mine, you do have to
start digging and we show you
how to do this. The inductive
method has been proven as the
best way to find those diamonds,
and the more you dig the more
you will find!
Inductive Bible study has 3
primary areas:
First is Observation:
This is carefully going over the
text to see what is going on,
the “who, what, where, when,
how, and why.” It is like
training a missionary about the
culture before venturing to
their new country of ministry.
If they are not trained of the
culture and customs, they will
miss a lot of opportunities, and
their effectiveness will fall
way short of what they could
have done. This is done by
teaching you how to pull out the
facts through the nature of
Scripture and how to avoid
presumptions and fallacies,
because God’s Word speaks for
Second is Interpretation:
This is taking what is said and
finding out what does the text
mean. How to interpret literally
in the correct context. That is
we never take out of God’s Word
what is not there, or read in
our will as His.
Third is Application:
This is taking the plain meaning
and putting it to practical use.
This is the, ‘how shall I
respond’ to the Word. What sin
to get rid of, what commands to
yield too, the pitfalls to
avoid, the actions to engage in,
and the promises we are to keep.
What are the other ways to study
the Bible?
There are many ways to study the
Bible and the best way is that
you do it!
There are three common ways to
study the Bible and all have
their advantages and shortfalls.
First is the ‘Deductive
Approach’: This is the common
way of reading the Bible. The
reader acts as a detective;
which is good at first, as we
all need to deduct what the
Bible says. This form usually
starts with a premise such as a
topic or idea and then pulls out
the relative ideas. This method
can be done with a good heart
seeking to start with a subject
and then look for the
corresponding Scriptures that
are relevant to it. This can be
a good tool for topic studies;
however it can be dangerous too,
leading to false conclusions
because the context is usually
left out. This deductive method
tends to skip the key process
that helps you organize what the
text says in a logical manner.
Thus you skip and miss a lot and
do not get out of your Bible
reading what you should. The
danger is that when ideas are
pulled out of their context,
they result in theology,
interpretation, and application
that may not exist.
Second is the ‘Opinion
Approach’: This form is the
practice of “eisegesis” that
uses the personality of the
reader as the template to
gathering the information from
the text. That all that is read
and studied is compared to their
experience and education. The
reader has the tendency to go to
the text with firm preconceived
ideas. The pitfall is even if
you are a seminary grad and
experienced pastor; you will
miss a lot and get things wrong.
In the above approaches, the
reader plows into the Bible
without knowing how to do it.
Like using a cookbook without
understanding how to cook or
what the measurements and
ingredients mean. So your meal
will be less than what may have
been intended. Thus, the Bible
reader becomes confused,
overwhelmed, and frustrated. Of
course there is always a benefit
to just read the Bible. Our
point is we can do it much
better and gain more for our
lives as His child.
Third is the ‘Inductive Method’:
The Inductive approach looks at
the whole text in its context
and pulls out facts, interprets
them, and then applies them.
There are no pitfalls with this
method as long as the ‘exegete’
is honest to the text.
So what is special and unique
about your ministry?
This is what we speak, not in
words taught us by human wisdom
but in words taught by the
Spirit, expressing spiritual
truths in spiritual words. 2
Corinthians 2:13 We wholeheartedly believe and
teach the ‘inductive Bible study
method.’ What we do is teach it
in such a way that you can draw
out even more precious nuggets
of life impacting information,
by using interpretative tools,
inductive questions and be aware
of proven ways on how we learn
and assimilate information. How
God created us to absorb and
learn, and applying that to
better understand His Word. We
combined this with the
exegetical methods pastors learn
in Seminary, thus gaining more
comprehensive impacting
meaningful edification in His
Word. Our call is to produce the
best way possible to teach
others how to study the Bible
and still keep it simple.
The inductive method of
Observation, then Interpretation
and then Application is a great
way to study God’s Word. We
teach, inspire, and encourage
you further, the way the great
exegetes and preachers do. Why
are some people great at
teaching and others not? Because
the ones who are good at it, are
good at digging out the Bible’s
insights without compromising
the integrity of the text. We
teach you how to do this. This
is all from a twenty year, on
going, research project and
study and from the interviewing
of hundreds of excellent
exegetes (people who study and
teach the Bible with profound
insights while staying true to
the text such as R.C. Sproul,
Francis Schaeffer and many, many
more). With ‘Into Thy Word,’ we have an
8-step process. At the heart,
are the 3 steps of Observation,
Interpretation, and Application.
Our extra steps are not to be
convoluted, but allow you to
draw out even more. Because we
capitalize on how our minds
work, so you get more out of
your experience in His Word.
Because of the way our minds
naturally work, we expanded the
3 step ‘Inductive’ process into
8 steps. This is done in a
logical and systematic way. This
is not adding irrelevant
information, causing
distraction, or making it
convoluted, but rather making
the process easier and more
insightful. Our unique process of ‘Into Thy
Word’ allows each step to build
upon the previous step in a
logical and systematic way,
which paves the way for the next
step. So you learn more and are
able to progress at your own
level. The first two steps are designed
to prepare you to enter the
relationship of Bible reading.
Because you are going before a
holy God, and you need to do it
in a reverent way.
BE RIGHT WITH GOD! This is about Prayer and
Attitude, two essential factors
that will enable you to excel if
you do, or fail if you do not.
GETTING INTO GOD’S WORD This step is showing you how to
start, choosing your text, and
how to go about it.
The next 5 steps are the
inductive process of observing
then learning, then applying it
into your life.
WHAT DOES IT SAY?! This has to transpire so we can
dig out what is there.
WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Since we naturally interpret and
jump to conclusions in our
fallen human thinking, we just
start the interpretation
process, because you are going
to do it anyway. We then place a
‘governor’ to slow you down,
without sacrificing your
enthusiasm and creativity, so we
can do it right.
LEARN! We then ask key essential
questions to dig out more that
we may have missed.
STEP V: “KNOW IT”! Then we can really start to make
sense and internalize the
implications and truth, so it
effects who we are at the very
‘existential’ core of our being.
This needs to take place before
we can apply it. Because we need
to be the people of God in order
to do the work of God.
STEP VI: “APPLICATION”! Then we can apply it. We take a
careful look on how we can do
this with honesty and
forethought. And then take on
the responsibility to
reciprocate, that is telling
others! The last step is taking the
previous steps and writing it
down for lasting remembrance and
STEP VII: “CHARTING YOUR PATH” This is so we can keep track
what we learn as you progress.
You can use this step throughout
the inductive process.
And we pray this in order that
you may live a life worthy of
the Lord and may please him in
every way: bearing fruit in
every good work, growing in the
knowledge of God. Colossians
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© 1985, 1989, 1998, 2006 R. J. Krejcir Ph.D. Into Thy Word Ministries www.intothyword.org Taken from: The Reason for the Exegetical Method |