The First Step of Inductive
Bible Study is,
“At that time Jesus said, "I
praise you, Father, Lord of
heaven and earth, because you
have hidden these things from
the wise and learned, and
revealed them to little
children.” (Matt. 11:25)
Before you can successfully
engage God’s most precious Word,
you must:
Because, the Scriptures is our
primary means of knowing God,
learning His precepts and
growing in His grace (Joshua
1:7-8; Ps. 1, 19, 119; Matt.
4:1-11, 7:24-29; John 8:31-32,
15:1-11; Col. 3:12-17; 2 Tim.
3:15-16; Hebrews 4:12; 2 Peter
1: 22-2:2).
We must be willing to not just
read the Bible, but be willing
to obey God’s decrees! It is not
about you, it is about God! Make
it your choice and work out you
salvation (Philp. 2) hard with a
surrendered will to His!
FIRST: PRAYER! (Psalm 119:18)
the meantime be in prayer.
SECOND: ATTITUDE, Start with the
proper approach!
“I have been crucified with
Christ and I no longer live, but
Christ lives in me. The life I
live in the body, I live by
faith in the Son of God, who
loved me and gave himself for
me.” (Gal. 2:20)
For us to become wholehearted,
fully-engaged followers of Jesus
Christ, we must realize that the
purpose of Scripture points to
Him (Luke 24:27; Col. 1:16-18).
Accordingly, we need to have a
good attitude based on seeking
Christ and not seeking
ourselves. Our minds must be
clear and childlike before Him,
because when you read His Word
you are before the face of God!
You are going before a Holy God,
so adjust yourself with these
REVERENCE: “But the LORD is in
his holy temple; let all the
earth be silent before him.” (Hab
2:20, Psalm 89:7) Prepare your heart and mind. You
are not going to a football
Be quiet; clear your distracting
thoughts and desires away! This
is all about the Supremacy and
Centrality of Christ; He is our
Lord and the center of
“My son, if you
accept my words and store up my
commands within you, turning
your ear to wisdom and applying
your heart to understanding, and
if you call out for insight and
cry aloud for understanding, and
if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for hidden
treasure, then you will
understand the fear of the LORD
and find the knowledge of God.”
(Prov. 2:1-5)
We must be willing to not only
read but to obey God’s decrees!
It is not about you, it is about
God! Make it your choice and
work hard with a surrendered
will to His!
ANTICIPATION: “O God, you are my
God, earnestly I seek you; my
soul thirsts for you, my body
longs for you, in a dry and
weary land where there is no
water.” (Psalm 63:1)
We must come before God with
eagerness and expectancy. This
is not a chore; it is fellowship
with the Creator of the
universe, what better time could
there be!
BE ALERT: “The fear of the LORD
is the beginning of knowledge,
but fools despise wisdom and
discipline;” “Trust in the LORD
with all your heart and lean not
on your own understanding.” (Prov.
1:7; 3:5-6)
Find a time where you are most
alert and awake!
"My eyes
stay open through the watches of
the night, that I may meditate
on your promises." (Psalm
To be consistent to read the
Bible regularly, we must make
the time and keep it up and not
make the excuse and keep it up.
Early mornings are better than
late nights.
BE IN LOVE: “I have not departed
from the commands of his lips; I
have treasured the words of his
mouth more than my daily bread;”
“When your words came, I ate
them; they were my joy and my
heart's delight, for I bear your
name, O LORD God Almighty.” (Job
23:12; Jeremiah 15:16)
Fall in love with His Word! Have
the appetite, as it was better
than your favorite meal! Do not
let it be just a duty! The love
will increase as we increase in
our effort and study!
TRUST and OBEY: “Let the word of
Christ dwell in you richly as
you teach and admonish one
another with all wisdom, and as
you sing psalms, hymns and
spiritual songs with gratitude
in your hearts to God.” (Col.
God deserves our trust and
submission, for there is no
other way to lead a triumphant,
purposeful, meaningful and
mature Christian life filled
with Fruit and impact. Thus, we
must see that God’s Word and the
percepts it contains as true,
relevant, authoritative and
binding, then we can also see
its personal significance,
veracity, importance, power,
impact and application upon us
and those around us too.
In God’s eyes it is far more
important why we do something
right rather than that we just
do something, even good.
"Do not consider his appearance
or his height, for I have
rejected him. The LORD does not
look at the things man looks at.
Man looks at the outward
appearance, but the LORD looks
at the heart;” “He did what was
right in the eyes of the LORD,
but not wholeheartedly.” (1 Sam
16:7, 2 Chron 25:2)
Thus we do not want to do the
right thing with the wrong
attitude and motives.
“Open my eyes that I may see
wonderful things in your law.”
(Psalm 119:18)
A very important point: For this
to work you must have a
relationship with Christ, with
your trust in His grace. Without
it, you are programming a
computer without any knowledge
of its language or design. You
may attempt it, but all you will
get is gibberish, “foolishness,”
as Scripture tells us, the
knowledge will be hidden from
Study with proper sense of our
ultimate reality, giving Christ
God, being God, is to be the
most important Person in our
lives, honored listened to,
known and worshipped. God, being God, should have the
primary place in our lives, as
we recognize, act with faith,
and serve Him with joy. God, being God, is to be
trusted, loved and enjoyed. God, being God, wants to be
greater in your life. The
greater He is in you, the
greater your life, your purpose,
your opportunities and your
blessings will be.
“The man without the Spirit does
not accept the things that come
from the Spirit of God, for they
are foolishness to him, and he
cannot understand them, because
they are spiritually discerned.
The spiritual man makes
judgments about all things, but
he himself is not subject to any
man's judgment.” (1 Cor. 14-15)
Remember your Attitude and
to_____ before God:
REVERENCE: (Hab. 2:20, Psalm
89:7) Quiet YOUR WILL: (Prov. 2:1-5) ANTICIPATION: (Psalm 63:1) BE ALERT (Prov. 1:7; 3:5-6) BE AWAKE AND MAKE TIME: (Psalm
119:148) BE IN LOVE: (Job 23:12; Jer.
15:16) TRUST and OBEY: (Col. 3:16) BE OPEN TO THE HOLY SPIRIT:
(Psalm 119:18)
Then you are better prepared to
enter His presence!
“Sanctify them by the truth;
your word is truth...” (John
So I challenge you to set aside
time each day, the best time you
have when you are the most alert
and able to go before your
Creator and Redeemer.
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© 1979, 1998, R. J. Krejcir Ph.D. Into Thy Word Ministries
Taken from:
Inductive Bible Study Steps |