Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
This is the “Overview ”: The Method of Getting into God’s Word
“My son, if you accept my words
and store up my commands within
you, turning your ear to wisdom
and applying your heart to
understanding, and if you call
out for insight and cry aloud
for understanding, and if you
look for it as for silver and
search for it as for hidden
treasure, then you will
understand the fear of the LORD
and find the knowledge of God.”
(Proverbs 2:1-5) Inductive Bible Study is a
method for learning how to
exegete the Bible for all its
worth by our best efforts. We do
this through learning the tools
and skills to help us observe
the text, dig out the meaning,
and then apply it to our lives.
Some people view the Bible as an
un-climbable mountain, a dark
cave into which we fear to
trespass. Be encouraged, and be
comforted; you can indeed do it.
Through the Inductive Method,
you can climb that mountain and
venture into the cave with
confidence. In fact, you will be
able to extract the truths as an
expert exegete does just by
posing some simple questions!
The Bible is as a diamond mine,
filled with precious nuggets
that can be applied to your life
to transform and renew it! As
with any mine, you do have to
start digging; we will show you
how to do this. The Inductive
Method has been proven to be the
best way to find those diamonds,
and the more you dig, the more
you will find!
The Three, Basic, Essential,
Inductive Bible Study Questions:
What does this passage say?
What does this passage mean?
How does this apply to me?
The primary purpose of this
method is to teach you how to
study His Word in a logical,
clear, and concise way. Over the
years, we have developed more
questions to assist you to more
deeply dig out and learn His
The Basic “Into Thy Word”
Inductive Bible Study Questions
What does this passage say?
What does this passage mean?
What is God telling me?
How am I encouraged and
strengthened? Is there sin in my life for
which confession and repentance
is needed? How can I be changed, so I can
learn and grow? What is in the way of these
precepts affecting me? What is
in the way of my listening to
God? How does this apply to me? What
will I do about it? What can I model and teach?
What does God want me to share
with someone?
In addition, our Inductive
Bible Study Channel (Equipping
you to Study the Bible) has more
in-depth questions and
techniques to assist seasoned
Bible expositors, pastors, and
Bible study leaders.
The Big Question: “What Does
this Passage Say?” These are the basics of how to
study God’s Word. It is called
the science of exegesis or
exegetical method, but there is
no need for big words here.
These are the basic procedures a
pastor or experienced teacher of
the Word learns in Bible School
and Seminary so he can prepare
sermons and commentaries, but,
here it is boiled down in a
clearer and simpler way for you
to understand and apply so you
can then teach it to others! You
will be able to mine more
nuggets of precious precepts
than others who may be in a
hurry, who do not know how to go
about it, or who have developed
bad habits, causing them to miss
some important stuff. Remember,
these “Inductive Bible Study”
methods are not for professional
Christians only; they are the
tools for all disciples of the
Lord to use!
Remember, there is no “best
way;” it is important only that
we do it. This study is about
placing the “burr” under the
saddle to get the horse moving,
or plugging in the computer so
we can use it! Remember, to be in a state of
prayer and humbleness before the
Father! A lot of people get lost at
first as they dig out the family
Bible with its beautiful leather
cover and thin parchment pages,
then find it difficult to
understand and finally give up
because the type is too hard to
read, the font is too small for
the eyes to track, and/or the
translation is too difficult to
follow. So, make sure you have a
good, readable translation.
There are numerous resources out
there; take advantage of them,
including Bibles with large,
easy-to-read type.
How Does One Start?
Start with the proper
approach—that of prayer and
reverence. If we do not have the
right attitude and mindset, we
will not get much out of God’s
Word, because our will gets in
the way of His!
Prayer! “Open my eyes that I may
see wonderful things in your
law” (Psalm 119:18). This is the
essential, first step to always,
always starting
anything—especially the studying
of the Bible and communication
with God!
Attitude! Have a good attitude
based on seeking Christ rather
than seeking self. Our minds
must be clear and childlike
before Him, because, when you
read His Word, you are standing
before the face of God—the Holy
God! So, adjust to a good
attitude and reverence for God
and His Word. Select the verse, book, and
passage you wish to study.
Either start with Genesis or
Matthew; some Bible teachers
suggest John. If this is too
much, then begin with 1
Thessalonians, as it is easy to
understand. The point is to do
it. Do not jump into tough books
like Revelation or Romans first.
Get to know the Gospels first!
Discover what our Lord has to
say to you! Do not be
overwhelmed! Yes, the Bible
looks ominous and un-climbable,
but you have to just start. Just
as when eating an elephant, you
do it one bite at a time, and
then one day it will be done!
This is why we have so many
Bible reading plans on our
REMEMBER: It is simply not
enough to know what you want to
do—you have to know the right
way to do it. It is like
following a recipe in cooking or
using the manual when working on
your car.
Ask God into your study as
your Teacher. Ask Him to free
your mind from distractions and
help you concentrate. You are
entering a learning partnership
with Christ! You have to make a commitment
and stick to it. Sticking to it
will allow you to become more
motivated and constant; thus,
the more you do, the easier it
becomes! A good plan is essential to
any undertaking.
SECOND: Overview
Look at the whole book (a single
book in the Bible) and “see the
big picture.” For example, if
you are going to study John,
read the book of John in an
easy-to-read translation, like
the New Living Translation. Read
it like you might be reading a
favorite novel. Enjoy it! Read
it through in one sitting with
no distractions. An average
reader will take 30 minutes to
one hour to do so. That way, you
will gain an overall
understanding. It is best to do
this step at least two or three
Whole to Parts to Whole Start by skimming the whole
book, carefully re-reading each
chapter, one at a time; then,
reread it very carefully and
slowly in a good translation.
Keep in mind the question, “what
does this passage say?” Then,
check out other translations,
commentaries, and dictionaries.
Repetition is the key to
You may start off with Genesis,
Matthew, or John. You may want
to do a little O. T. and N. T.
each time, in which case I
recommend any of our Bible
Reading Plans or the One Year
Bible, published by Tyndale.
Preview it. Read it like a
novel. If you are having
difficulty with one translation,
try another. Then read slowly
and keep re-reading. This will
help you to remember. Like a wide-angle lens,
OVERVIEW the big picture.
Remember the context! See the
whole picture of what is going
on. The reason most people do
not get it is because they do
not get in it! Study whole books, book by
book, and not just by topics or
chapters. Like putting together a
puzzle, start with a corner and
then the straight edges. Start
with the obvious in its context,
and the rest will be revealed
from there! Do not read a passage here and
a passage there. Read a whole
book through and through,
systematically. First, read the
chapters; then, study the
verses, verse by verse, in
order. You are not at a buffet;
you are in His Most Holy Word.
If you first look too closely
at a tree, you may not realize
you are in a forest!
Start Asking Questions! You are to study the Bible
with quiet confidence in God.
(Matt. 8:5-13; 14: 22-33; John
15:1-17; Eph. 3:20; James 4:3;
Jude 24-25) The basic plan is that you
interview the Bible; ask it
questions to get to know the
story, just as a reporter or
researcher does. At the same
time, whom you are interviewing
is God’s Most Holy Word in His
Holy presence!
Questions to ask the text to be
more challenged and to draw out
more information:
Is there a lesson to learn? Is there a command to obey? Is there a sin to avoid? Is there a promise to claim
and keep? Make sure you trust and obey
what God is telling you!
THIRD: Ask the Question: “What
Does This Passage Mean?” This is where we continue the
Inductive Bible Study process
using logic and sound reason.
After you have done your
overview, begin to read the
passage more carefully, as if
you are examining it with a
microscope. This task is called
the exegesis. This fancy word
simply means to study a text
carefully, rationally, and
thoroughly to find the original,
intended meaning. We are to do
this without any preconceived
ideas or agendas. If we come to
the text thinking we already
know all about it, we show that
we know nothing, and we will
gain nothing. Strive toward the
“plain truth” of what the
passage you are studying means.
It is “common sense,” and yet,
it is more than common sense.
This is where we “pick” at the
text, and in so doing, we are
picking at our hearts and minds!
Read carefully; study it!
Remember, most Christians read
the Bible, but few study it! Use
versions. Do not be distracted
and do not stop. Try reading
aloud for better concentration.
Study with reverence to
Christ; see His Holiness so you
have a proper sense of your
ultimate reality, of who you are
in Christ. Study with purpose! To be
present with God, we must be
willing and able to go deeper.
Allow His conviction. Then, your
personal knowledge and
relationship with Him will
deepen. Growing in Christ is our
priority in life! (Psalm 27:8)
Remember, God is God and we
are not. God, being God, is to
be the most significant and
important Person in our lives.
We need to honor Him so we can
hear Him; as we know Him better,
we worship Him as LORD. Imagine yourself as a
participant. Read as if it is
your story, as if you are there.
Let God speak to you, as the
main goal is for you to know the
Lord better, not just to gain
more knowledge! Look out for topics, logic,
and direction. Meditate and pray over the
passages that “speak” to you as
you re-read, then memorize those
key passages. Remember to examine what is
being said… First, in chapters. Second, in paragraphs Third, in verses Inductive Bible Study helps us
study with a plan: consecutive
reading, book study, topical
study, and verse-by-verse. Luke
24:27, Acts 17:11
FOURTH: Charting: Start to Make
Use of the Book Chart Write down what God is saying to
you and what you have discovered
and learned. Doing this will
allow you to apply it to your
life better! Study with a pen
and notebook. That way, you can
record what you see and hear.
Your insights and thoughts will
become clearer and you can even
disentangle what is false. His
Word is clear, so make sure your
notes are clarified as they pass
through His Word to your
fingertips onto a page for
present and future use.
A book chart will help you
write down what the text says
and means, and to tackle
questions such as: Who? What?
Where? When? How? and Why? What
does this passage say about God?
About me? My sin? My struggles?
My opportunities? What is my
example to follow? What Fruit,
Discipline, and Character do I
need in order to develop and
operate? What are the sins I
need to avoid? What is my call
and duty to carry out? What
promise does He have for me to
receive? What prayer do I need
to offer? Then write down your
reflections in first person
singular because it applies to
you. If you do not have a chart,
you can easily make one. Take a
piece of paper and draw three
column lines down it. At the top
of each column, write one of the
three, basic, Inductive Bible
Study questions. In column one,
write “What:” As you ask the
question, “what does this
passage say?” you have a place
to jot down your notes. Then, in
column two, write “Meaning.”
This is where you write down
what you have learned by asking,
“What does it mean?” and what
God is telling you. Then, at the
third column, write “Apply.”
This is where you write down
your insights on “How does this
apply to me?” and “how I am
encouraged.” Save some space at
the bottom for questions to ask
a mentor and/or research later,
and save room for your prayers.
The primary goal of
interpretation is to find the
“plain meaning” of the Bible so
it can be used in your life,
church, and community!
ALWAYS BE AWARE OF THE CONTEXT! The “nitty-gritty” for review:
Read a whole book at least three
times in an easy-to-read
translation. Then, read each
chapter you are studying in a
good translation at least three
times. Then, read the verses,
verse-by-verse in order, and
write down what you see and
learn. Then you will be amazed
at how much more you will pick
FIFTH: Ask the Question: “What
is God Telling Me?” This is where you are seeking
conviction, and allowing the
work of the Spirit, through His
Word, to show you principles and
precepts to apply to your life.
Be aware that sometimes you may
not like what is shown, but it
is what you need to hear. This
is where we hear His voice,
where we become transformed and
renewed, and we grow in our
faith and practice. This
requires that our will be poured
out and surrendered to His. We
must learn to study the Bible so
we are challenged and convicted
to gain more insights into God’s
character and call for us!
Conviction is very important to
make us aware of our wrong ways
and for us to align our path
with His Way. God has His ways
of refining and purifying us so
that the waste products of pride
and selfishness can be tossed
aside while His real redemptive
work and sanctification come to
us in power and conviction.
People of strife in the world,
and Christians who are weak in
their faith will hold on to
their will and not allow
conviction or change to enter
their routine or life. Do not
let this happen to you!
As a Christian, the reality of
who you are in Christ must hit
home in power and certainty at
some time or another. Has this
happen to you? If so, how? If
not, what would it take? God, the LORD over all, is
LORD of our lives, too. Thus, He
should have the primary place in
our lives, where we recognize,
trust, and serve Him with joy.
God, our LORD, is to be
trusted, loved, and enjoyed so
we can be challenged to take His
precepts into our will and
actions. Here are some personal,
inductive questions you can use
to challenge yourself. Take a
careful look at the passage you
are studying; as you realize
that it is indeed God’s most
precious Word, examine your life
and compare it to the passage.
Now ask yourself:
1. How do I exhibit a life of
fruit, character, love, faith,
and maturity in my daily life
now? 2. How can I develop the
willingness to be a more
disciplined, character, fruit
and faith driven person who will
realize I am called, empowered,
and filled by Christ? 3. What blocks His work in me
from working and being exhibited
in me? 4. How can I accept and commence
His work, and discipline myself
to carry it out? 5. What can I do to make His
work in me function better,
stronger, and faster, even in
times of uncertainty and stress?
So, what is our LORD telling
SIXTH: Ask the Question: “How am
I Encouraged and Strengthened?” God calls us to encourage
others, just as He encourages
us. With His encouragement, we
can tell others about Him just
by our attitude. This builds
unity and strength that cannot
exist for selfish and alone
Christians. To live a life that
is not touched by Christ is to
live a life that does not touch
others positively, which is a
very sad life indeed (Col.
4:7-8; 1 Thess. 5:11-14; Heb.
10:25). In Christ you are a
pillar. This
refers to faithful people of God
who are stable and can support
others. Just as pillars hold up
large buildings, we, as the
faithful, hold up Christ (as in
glorifying Him), and we also
hold up others (as equipping and
encouraging them) (Ex. 24:4; Is.
56:5; 1 Cor. 3:16; Gal. 2:9;
Eph. 2:20-22; 1 Tim. 3:15; Heb.
3:6; 1 Pet. 2:5; Rev. 3:7-13).
When we feel weak, we still have
His strength, and our faith and
resolve to continue to grow our
faith will become a mighty
pillar that others can look to
for an example and for
encouragement. We are His
example to others; even at our
lowest, we can excel for His
highest. Let us understand what
He has done for us so we can do
our best to be faithful even in
times of pressures, waiting, and
uncertainty. His encouragement greatly helps
us to see God’s Word as real and
impacting, without error or
defect. This will help us study
the Bible with expectation as we
realize that Christ, Himself, is
Lord over all.
To grow in Christ, we must
desire to be with Him and to
learn from Him. (Phil. 3:10; I
John 1 :3-4) Remember this important fact:
Your Savior has a personal word
for you! (Psalm 119:25- 28, 50,
72, 89, 90, 105, 130; Prov.
6:20-23; Ps. 40:7-8; Jer. 15:16,
23-29; Matt. 4:4; plus many
more). When we are encouraging to
others, it means we have been
given the strength for others
and we have a surplus for
ourselves. Then, we can see our
spiritual and personal lives
supported and built up greatly,
we can see what He has for us,
and we can live a life worthy
and for His glory. We will be
encouraged and strengthened
indeed! Humbleness is characterized by
the willingness to receive
learning, and experience growth
in Christ. Peter and James tell
us we ought to be humble toward
one other so that we can know
the grace of God and not be in
opposition to God. Then we can
be humble, not only toward one
another, but toward God. This is
so straightforward. This is so
essential if we are to be a
blessed Christian and to be a
growing church, not in numbers,
but in discipleship!
SEVENTH: Ask the Question: “Is
there sin in my life for which
confession and repentance are
Confession and repentance
require us to employ our faith
and repent, which means to
embrace the liberation,
empowerment, and abundance we
have in Christ by completely and
utterly turning away from our
sin (as in our wrong desires and
deeds), moving toward His love
and plan. We have to see the
wonders of God’s Word and that
His Word sets us free. It does
not bind us to traditions and
meaningless rhetoric; it
liberates us into joy and
contentment; it brings out the
best in us, giving us purpose
and real, authentic meaning
(Rom. 2:4; 3:9-4:8; 2 Cor.
7:8-12; James 4: 7-10).
What are you doing that is
sin? How are you going to remove
the sin? To grow in Christ, we need to
let the Bible be a window to God
and a mirror to ourselves.
(James 1:21) God calls us and empowers us
to authentic repentance (Acts
5:31; Rom. 2:4; 2 Tim. 2:25-26).
Repentance will facilitate our
humility (Proverbs 3:34); then,
Christ Himself will lift us up.
Real repentance entails full,
genuine confession, restitution,
and the will to turn to Christ,
not just as Savior, but also as
Lord. This is not just a
one-time deed, but a lifestyle
that places Christ first and
foremost in our daily lives. This means we lift up our will
to Him, and surrender it to His
Lordship. He is our God and
Commander, the One who first
loved and cared for us. Thus, we
should desire to use this
imperative question to allow
God’s introspection upon our
soul. It will help put our lives
in order so we reflect His
guidance when we first come to
Him, and then, give us the
desire to lead a life that
glorifies Him. Subsequently,
when we do wrong, we will
realize it from the law written
on our hearts and revealed in
His Word; we can then turn to
Him (2 Cor. 7:10-11).
EIGHTH: Ask the Question: “How
can I be changed, so I can learn
and grow?” This is the step that helps us
internalize what we are
learning. It is the process of
interpretation, which means
determining the meaning of the
text—not just what it says, but
what we do with it. Thus, when
we ask “what does it mean?” we
then need to determine how the
answer is going to “fit” into
our lives so we are changed
individuals. Wise people are those who are
willing to grow and improve
themselves. It is not an IQ
thing; intelligence has nothing
to do with wisdom (Proverbs
1:5-7; 3:11-12). You must be
willing to learn about your
personality and what you need to
improve and work on; God’s Word
is the key to opening our hearts
and minds. How do you begin to be a
person who learns? Be a person
who listens! No matter what is happening in
our lives, God is working and
leading us in the direction of
learning and growing (Rom
8:28-29). Our hurt and pain, our
rejection and loneliness may
cloud us for a time, but we must
not let it mislay our focus.
God knows our suffering and
has a plan to work it out—if not
now, then in the life to come
(Psalm 146). To grow in Christ, we need to
know and do God's will. (Matt.
7:24-29, Rom. 12:2, Col. 1:9)
Just look at all the passages
where God is directing us upward
to learn rather than inward to
be filled with contempt! (Ex
33:13; Job 6:24; Job 34:32;
Psalm 25:4-5; Psalm 27:11; Psalm
51:6; Psalm 86:11; Psalm 119:12;
26; 33; 64; 66; 68; 108; 24;
135; 171; Psalm 143:10—and there
are many more!) These are the
principle verses for us as
sincere, authentic Christians
who are held responsible for
doing something with our
Christian lives. We are not
called to be pretty; rather, we
are called to get dirty! This is
implied in all that we do and
believe (Prov. 19:17; James
NINTH: Ask the Question: “What
is in the way of these precepts
affecting me? What is in the way
of my listening to God?” Have you ever wondered what
blocks the increase of our trust
and faith in Jesus Christ? Why
do some people grow in their
faith, character, and maturity
while others do not? The main
reason is that many Christians
set up so many barriers and
walls to block growth in Christ
that they cause us to hold back
from receiving and living the
best He has for us and we become
stagnate. We become our own
worst enemy. If we remain
obedient, faithful, and take
seriously our study of His Word,
He will show us the way. In most
cases, sin is not the only thing
that holds us back from growing
in Christ. Rather, it is often
the refusal to recognize His
divine power because we do not
take His Word seriously;
therefore, we do not apply it
earnestly and continually. When
we are ignorant of who He is and
what He can do, then we become
afraid, and our growth, as well
as our usefulness as a church,
becomes stagnate.
Jesus calls to us to rise up
and walk. To walk and to grow,
we must desire to do so! What keeps you behind the
barriers? Consider where your
life is spent in time, purpose,
thinking, relationships,
service…? Carefully consider any
barriers in your thinking that
block you from the core truth
and reality of Jesus Christ as
LORD of your life! Consider any barriers you may
have to knowing Christ
further—about Him, His story,
His character…? What about barriers from
growing in Christ, and not
taking time and effort in your
spiritual walk? What are the barriers from
following His will? What about barriers we place
in the way of worshiping Christ
in a deeper, more heartfelt way?
Consider what distracts you.
Remember, worship is not just a
service; it is a lifestyle! What holds you back in your
spiritual development and
deployment? Traditions?
Presumptions? Time? Commitment?
Are we able to understand how
important this is? Do we trust
in His provision? Do we know
where we need to be, and that
being in God’s Word shows us the
Way? Are we in the battle for
Jesus’ sake or for ourselves?
What does God require? Are we
maintaining a cause—or Christ?
Are we willing to allow God to
be God, to sanctify us beyond
our comfort zone, experiences,
and expectations? (Matt. 13:23;
1 Thess. 2:23)
TENTH: Ask the Question: “How
does this apply to me? What will
I do about it?” This is the question that we ask
to see how the truth of what we
are reading applies to our
lives. Jesus calls us to be doers with
His Word. When we really hear
God’s Word, without any
barriers, it will impact us
existentially (change us
internally) down to the depths
of who we are in personality,
thinking, and attitudes, then it
will lead us to godly actions.
It will model and show both a
loving concern for others and
His precepts in concert. We have
to be willing to hear it before
we can practice it. If we do not
practice, it becomes useless.
This does not mean doing
something without the knowledge
to do it right, or going off
without purpose or direction.
To grow in Christ, we need to
be strengthened in our faith
formation so we can be obedient.
(Rom. 15:4.) Application comes out of a
changed life, and leads to a
life transformed! What must I do to make God’s
Word real in me? What is my
response? The Word of God should lead us
to model the character of
Christ, and to form us in the
image of God. How should we
carry out these changes? Pray and ask God how to
implement His truth to you. Righteousness cannot be achieved
by any human effort; we can do
nothing outside of Christ. God's
will is in complete control; we
must remove whatever is blocking
us in order to realize this. We
are to receive His grace and
sanctification for our lives
(Duet. 33:27; Rom 7:7-25; Rev.
1:17). We, at Into Thy Word,
have many resources to help you
in this journey.
The choice is ours to make it
either simple or complicated, to
be hurt or to be happy. By
simply following 1 Corinthians
12-13 and Galatians 5:22-23, you
will be able to transcend any
barriers to discipleship and
Christian growth. Your
relationships will vastly
improve because you will be
acting as God calls you to, and
people normally respond in kind
as they are treated. The choice
requires faith in action and
growth in Him. It requires us to
recognize what Christ has done
for us so our fears and letdowns
do not become either our gods or
our focuses in life. He is the
Focus; He is our God (Philip.
1:6; 27- 2: 11; 3:10).
ELEVENTH: Ask the Question:
“What can I model and teach?”
This is the step where the
rubber of our faith-formation
tires meets the road of life.
All of the previous five steps
lead up to this. This is the
main point of why we study the
Bible—and that is to do
something with it. Of course, we
all do something with it; either
we ignore it or we are
transformed by it. We must ask
ourselves, “How can the teaching
about God’s Word relate to my
problems, feelings, values,
attitudes, situations,
ambitions, needs, desires, and
relationships?” And then, what
have I leaned that can benefit
others? God's Word will lead to godly
action when it is received by a
person who is rooted in Christ,
whose life has been transformed.
If not, we are self-deluded as
James states in verses 23-27 and
Ezekiel declares in Ezek.
3:30-32. Thus, the Bible must be
read, it must be adhered to, it
must impact us. Then, a visible
and viable result will occur as
our faith development increases
and our purpose is set for a
life that is worth living and
one that leads others to Him.
Further action would be taking
our faith to the streets of life
and actually helping others in a
real, authentic way.
To grow in Christ, we need to
be equipped in Him by His
precepts, and ready for His
service. (2 Tim. 3:15-16) Remember, the Word of God’s
purpose is to transform us into
the image of God—to model His
character! And then, we can tell
and show others.
TWELFTH: Ask the Question: “What
does God want me to share with
someone?” God uses His Word to transform
us; it is what He does, and then
what we do. He sends us His
Spirit; we respond. This
incorporates a prime key to the
success of finding our purpose
in life, which is found by
growing in Christ and applying
His precepts. What we have
learned will positively impact
others just as what we refuse to
learn will negatively affect
others. The simple application
of love, character, and fruit,
and the willingness to be
disciplined and to use them will
be our signature, as a
contagious Christian of the
faith, in our witness and impact
to others around us. Our trust
and obedience will help us cross
any barriers. In obedience, we
become willing to serve God
rather than our needs, even
before we know what the call may
be, and take this mindset into
life and to others! To grow even
further, we can be more
contemplative in His Word and in
prayer. To grow in Christ, we need to
willing and able to share with
others what we have learned;
this is mentoring, and we do it
as a lifestyle and example as
well as by being a counselor and
guide to others. To be accountable, let someone
else you know and trust hold you
to your promises, especially as
they relate to the study of
God’s Word.
The Basic Inductive Bible Study
Questions are simple and easy to
memorize. Seeing it! Knowing it! Doing it! In the Book of James, God is
warning us not to just know, but
also to do something with what
we have learned. His Word must
impact us; for this to happen,
we must listen to Him so His
precepts will affect us. We do
not want to be as James says,
“hearers only.” This is a
statement that characterizes
self-delusion and hypocrisy. In
contrast, some Jews at that time
believed they were required to
memorize the Law (Word of God),
but did not need to practice it.
How many Christians do you know
who do this too? I know some!
For them, the value was only in
the learning; the practicing of
it was treated with contempt. We
must realize how important this
question is and not glance over
it, because complacency is
deadly to a church; it will fall
swiftly and hard into utter
worthlessness and eventually
close (Ezek. 33:30-32; James
1:21-27). Hearing His Word is also the
quintessential skill we need in
order to be “doers of His Word,”
and to apply His precepts into
our lives; it also helps mature
the lives of others. Is your
faith weak? Are you listening to
God? The first job of a
Christian who wants to grow in
his or her faith formation is to
listen. Effective listening is
essential to growing in faith or
building a friendship! This must
transpire so we can be “doers of
the word and not hearers only”
(James 1:22). How we choose to
listen and lead our lives will
be the proof that we belong to
God and are not living just for
ourselves (Luke 8:21). To grow in Christ, we need to
be equipped by His precepts and
ready for His service. (2 Tim.
3:15-16) Growing in the Spirit is a
day-by-day progression, just
like learning to read, the study
of mathematics or science, or
learning to play a musical
instrument. It takes time and
effort! So, do not be
discouraged if your goals do not
come about as quickly as you
would like. The Inductive Bible Study Basics
will help you apply God’s Word
to your life! When we listen, we
open our minds and hearts to the
Truth of our Lord. We will also
hear what godly people are
saying, which will sharpen us
and let us know when there is
error. The person who gets in
His word, who sees, knows, and
applies it, will be growing and
useful for Christ. He or she
will be exhibiting good
character and godliness as he or
she moves into actually applying
Christianity, to being “doers of
the Word” (Prov. 28:13-14; Mark
3:7-8; John 8:47; Rom. 12:15;
Col. 3:12; James 1:2-27; 1 John
Let us be doers of His mighty
So, what about devotional
Can we just read the Bible?
After all, cannot the same
Spirit that inspired the writers
of the Bible inspire us, too? Of
course! We also need to read the
Bible devotionally and
regularly, as a love letter, for
our edification and growth.
Devotional reading is one kind
of Bible reading that is
essential for growth and
discipleship. But, devotional
reading is not always study, and
this curriculum is designed to
teach you how to study the
Bible. As you learn these
principles and tools, your
devotional reading will increase
in value too because you will be
able to instinctively use these
common-sense tools.
Check out some passages that
tell us that discipleship and
mentoring are not an option, but
a command: Matthew 28:16-20;
Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 12;
Galatians 6:1-10; Mark 1:35 –
2:12. We must follow out of
obedience, and mentor in a
multigenerational lifestyle,
caring for the total person.
This will move us from just
playing church to really being a
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© 1985, 1989, 1998, 2006 R. J. Krejcir Ph.D. Into Thy Word Ministries www.intothyword.org Taken from: The Reason for the Exegetical Method |