The Bible
   The New Testament
     General Information
        Table of  Weights & Measures
        The Books of the New Testament
        How The New Testament Is Arranged
        The One Another’s 
        New Testament on Old Testament Inspiration
        Jesus Is Seen In Every Book of the Bible
        New Testament Reading Chart
        Acceptance of the New Testament Canon
        List of Jewish High Priests of the Old & New Testaments
        The Canon of the New Testament From International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
        The Canon of the New Testament From Fausset's Bible Dictionary
        Archaeology and the New Testament By F. F. Bruce
        Archaeological Confirmation of the New Testament By F. F. Bruce
        The Epistles in General From New Testament Introduction By Louis Berkhof
        The Descriptive Names Applied to the New Testament Books by the Earliest Christian Writers By Benjamin B. Warfield
       The Term “Son of Man” as Used in the New Testament By G. Frederick Wright
       Testimony of the Second Century to Writers and Writings of the New Testament By Benjamin O. True
       Suggestions from the Dates of the Books of the New Testament By Wayland Hoyt
       The Progress of Doctrine in the New Testament By Charles Edward Smith
       Quotations in the New Testament from the Old Testament By William H. Bates
       Alphreus and Klopas By William Robertson Nicoll
       The Bible-Its 66 Books in Brief - New Testament  By Leslie M. Grant
       An American Commentary on the New Testament - Introduction to The New Testament Edited By Alvah Hovey
       The Bearing of New Testament Statements upon the Authorship of Old Testament Books By Prof. George B. Stevens
       The New Testament Witness to the Authorship of Old Testament Books By Prof. Francis Brown
       How Rome Governed the Provinces By Professor W. C. Morey
       Notes for Bible Study - The Gospels and Epistles Contrasted
       Chronology of Important New Testament Manuscripts
       New Testament Timeline
       An Introduction to the New Testament By Adolf Jülicher.
       The New Testament History  By E. S. (Emanuel Sprankel) Young
      Go to fullsize image  How Archaeology Verifies the New Testament
     New Testament People
       John the Baptist
       John the Baptist By C. P. Jacobs
       John the Baptist By H. Rossier
bullet John the Baptist Part 1
bullet John the Baptist Part 2
bullet John the Baptist Part 3
bullet John the Baptist Part 4
bullet John the Baptist Part 5
bullet John the Baptist Part 6
bullet John the Baptist Part 7
       The 12 Apostles
       An Outline History of the Twelve Apostles
       The Apostle Paul
       The Gospel Of Paul By Frank Hugh Foster
       The Testimony of Paul the Apostle to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ By William Houliston
       Paul on the Resurrection of Christ By Charles Marsh Mead
       St. Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh By Edward M. Merrins
       The Historical Christ of St. Paul By G. Matheson
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 1a
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 1b
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 1c
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 1d
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 2a
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 2b
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 2c
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 3
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 4
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 5
       The Conversion and Early Ministry of Paul By Clyde Weber Votaw
       The Apostle Paul in Arabia By Rev. C. W. Briggs
       Paul's Visits to Jerusalem By Professor Willis J. Beecher
       Paul Before Agrippa By The Reverend W. H. P. Faunce
       The Caesarean Imprisonment of Paul By Professor Charles B. Williams
       St. Paul's Shipwreck By W. M. Ramsay
       The Eschatology of Paul By Professor Samuel MacComb
       Paul's Eschatology Part 1 By Professor Irving F. Wood
       Paul's Eschatology Part 2 By Professor Irving F. Wood
       The Prayer Life of Paul By H. A. Wilson
       Saul's Experience on the Way to Damascus By Professor Ernest D. Burton
       St. Paul the Traveler and the Roman Citizen By W. M. Ramsay
      The Apostle Peter
      Life of St Peter - The Training of the Disciple From the Book The General Epistles of St. Peter & St. Jude By E. H. Plumptre
      Life of St Peter. The Work of the Apostle From the Book The General Epistles of St. Peter & St. Jude By E. H. Plumptre
      Life of St Peter. The Traditions and Legends of the Church From the Book The General Epistles of St. Peter & St. Jude By E. H. Plumptre
       The Apostle John
       "John the Presbyter" was "John the Apostle" By F. W. Farrar
       The Apostle John by Arend Remmers
       The Apostle John: Studies in his Life and Writings By W. H. Griffith Thomas
       John Mark
       St. Mark in the New Testament By H. B. Swete
       The Apostle Philip
       The Apostle Philip By A Roberts
       Herod the Great
       The Deaths of Antiochus IV., Herod the Great, and Herod Agrippa I By Edward M. Merrins
       Herod Agrippa I
       The Deaths of Antiochus IV., Herod the Great, and Herod Agrippa I By Edward M. Merrins