Numbers in Scriptures

By Maurice G. Dametz, Editor

Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine

The Number Thirteen in Scripture

The number THIRTEEN is not of frequent occurence in the Scriptures, however, it seems to carry a definite significance.

This number has been superstitiously called "the unlucky number." We know of a Bible teacher who spoke on the 13th chapters of the Bible, and called attention to the unlucky happenings in them. The chapter divisions are man-made, therefore the argument does not hold.

The number THIRTEEN seems to be associated invariably with ruin, apostasy and rebellion. Associated with the first occurance of the number thirteen, we find rebellion. For twelve years the kings of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zoar and Zeboiim served Chedorlaomer, and in the THIRTEENTH year they rebelled against him (Gen. 14:2-4).

Ishmael was THIRTEEN years old at the time of his circumcision (Gen. 17:25). The descendents of Ishmael have always been a rebellious people. It was prophesied of Ishmael that he would be a wild man, and that his hand would be against every man (Gen. 16:12).

Solomon's house was THIRTEEN years in building (I Kings 7:1). His house was full of apostasy and rebellion.

Upon the THIRTEENTH day of the first month, Haman obtained a murderous decree against the Jews (Est. 3:12-13). Upon the THIRTEENTH day of the last month was the decree reversed (Est. 8:12), and Haman's ten sons were hanged (Est. 9:1).

The valley of Hinnom occurs THIRTEEN times in the Bible. This valley stands connected with rebellion. It was here that parents made their children to pass through the fire of Moloch. Ahaz and Manasseh were guilty of this abomination (2 Chron. 28:3, 33:6). Jeremiah fortold that God would visit this awful wickedness with sore judgment, and would cause such a destruction of the people that the valley would be known as the valley of slaughter (Jer. 7:31-34; 19:2, 6; 32:35). From the horrors of its fires, and from its polutions, and because offal was burnt there, the valley became the type of the end of sin and woe The name Ge-hinnom was corrupted into Gehenna and was passed into use as a designation for the place of everlasting punishment.

In glancing at our concordance we discover that leaven occurs THIRTEEN times in the New Testament. Leaven is never connected with good in the Scriptures; it is invariably associated with evil and evil teaching. Christ warned the people to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees (Matt. 16:6, 11). Leaven is invariably a type of the corruption and ruin of sin.

In Scripture history there are THIRTEEN famines recorded. They are recorded in Gen. 12:10; 21:1 41:54; Ruth 1:1; II Sam. 21:1 I Kings 18:1; II Kings 4:38; 7:4 25:3; Neh. 5:3; Jer. 14:1; Luke 15:14 and Acts 11:28.

These are the principal occurences of THIRTEEN in the Scripture and it is seen that the number is invariably associated with ruin, apostacy, rebellion and destruction.

(Some Combination Numbers will be the next installment).