Numbers in Scriptures

By Maurice G. Dametz, Editor

Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine

The Number Eight in Scripture


In Hebrew the number eight is "sh'moneh," which means "to make fat," or "to super-abound." As a numeral it is the super-abundant number in the Hebrew. We saw the number seven to be the number of completion. Eight goes beyond that: it is the beginning of an entirely new series.


Eight covenants were made with Abraham as follows:

1. Sovereignty (Gen. 12:1-3)

2. His seed (Gen. 12:7)

3. Renewal of the covenant (Gen. 13:14-17)

4. The limits of the land (Gen. 15: 13-21)

5. Invincible grace (Gen. 17:1-22)

6. Unaltered by human failure and imperfection (Gen. 18:9-15)

7. Spiritual blessing headed up in the seed (Gen. 21:12)

8. Resurrection blessing (Gen. 22: 15-18)

It will be seen that eight stands connected with the resurrection.

Joseph's communications with his brethren were eight in number. Seven of these communications were before Jacob's death; the eighth came after the death of Jacob.

1. The dream of the sheaves of wheat (Gen. 37:6)

2. The dream of the sun, moon, and stars (Gen. 37:9)

3. A message of love from his father (Gen. 37:12-17)

4. The brethren go to Joseph (Gen. 42)

5. They go to Joseph the second time (Gen. 43)

6. A third time they go (Gen. 44)

7. Israel is brought (Gen. 46). The history is spiritually complete, but there remains another communication.

8. Israel has passed away, and the brethren are face to face with Joseph, a type of Christ in resurrection glory (Gen. 50: 18-19).

It is seen that in both these instances the number eight carries with it the significance of resurrection and resurrection glory.


Using the law of the context and searching our Bibles, we find that many other Scriptures associate the number eight with resurrection.

When the whole earth was covered with a flood, eight persons were saved from destruction. They came out of the ark into a new and resurrected world (I Pet. 3:20).

Abraham had eight sons. Seven of them were born after the flesh; the eighth was by promise.

It is significant that the Bible speaks of eight individual resurretions other than that of our Lord. Three of these are recorded in the Old Testament, three in the Gospels, and two in the book of Acts.

It is most interesting and fascinating to notice that the three resurrections in the Old Testament correspond to the three people whom our Lord raised up.

1. The sons of widows

Widow of Zarepta (1 Kings 17:17-25)

Widow of Nain (Luke 7:11-18)

2. The children of rich persons

Son of the woman of Shunem (II Kings 4:32-37)

Daughter of Jairus (Mark 5: 35; Luke 8:49)

3. Full grown men, after burial

In Elisha's tomb (II Kings 13:20)

Lazarus (John 11)

Our Lord arose on the first day of the week, which was of necessity the eighth day.

The rite of circumcision was performed on the eighth day (Gen. 17: 12). This rite was a type of the true circumcision of the heart, which is the risen life (Col. 2:11).

The priests wore eight garments altogether (Exod. 28).

1. A breastplate (15-28)

2. An ephod (6-14)

3. A robe (36-38)

4. A broidered coat (40-43)

5. A mitre (4, 39)

6. A girdle (6-14)

7. A turban (40)

8. Linen breeches (42)

These were holy garments arid they were made of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and fine linen. The gold signifies that which is kingly. The blue speaks of the heavenly character of Christ. The purple bears the significance of royalty. Scarlet speaks of sacrifice, and fine linen is symbolical of righteousness. It all speaks of resurrection glory. Aaron stood before God in behalf of the people as their mediator, and he is a type of Christ in His present resurrection life and mediatorial office.

Elijah performed eight miracles as follows:

1. The shutting up of heaven (I Kings 17:1)

2. The widow's meal (I Kings 17: 14-16)

3. Raising of the widow's son (1 Kings 17:17-23)

4. Fire from heaven (I Kings 18: 37-38)

5. Rain from heaven (I Kings 18: 41-45)

6. Fire from heaven (II Kings 1: 10)

7. Fire from heaven (II Kings 1: 12)

8. The dividing of the Jordan (II Kings 2:8)

The eighth miracle, which was the dividing of the Jordan, is a type of the resurrection. Jordan was divided, and Elijah went across. On the other side he was translated to glory.

How marvelous is the significance of the numbers! Once the significance is given to a numeral, it holds the same meaning all through the Word. How marvelous is the unity of the Word of God!