Numbers in Scriptures

By Maurice G. Dametz, Editor

Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine

The Number Four in Scripture


Fourth study in a series on

The Scripture Numerals

Four denotes that which follows the revelation of God in trinity — namely, His creative works. The number four is the earth number. It is the number of material completeness. The fourth creative day saw the material creation finished and ready for furnishing (Gen. 1:14-19).

There are four great elements: earth, air, fire, and water.

There are four regions, or directions: North, East, South, and West. There are four seasons of the year: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

There are four variations of the moon.

In the Garden of Eden were four cherubim. Likewise there were four rivers.

At the throne of God are four cherubim. These four cherubic forms were divinely placed in the signs of the zodiac, dividing it into four parts.

Creation has four heads: the Lion for the wild beasts, the Ox for the tame beasts, the Eagle for the birds of the air, and Man at the head of all (Ezek. 1:10).

The fourth commandment is the first of the commandments which mentions the earth (Exod. 20:10). Likewise, the Lord's prayer mentions the earth in its fourth clause (Matt 6:10).


It is significant that the number four marks the divisions of mankind, which are set forth in various passages of Scripture, as:

Lands, tongues, families, nations

Families, tongues, countries, nations

Families, tongues, lands, nations

Kindred, tongue, people, nation

Nations, kindred, peoples, tongues

People, kindreds, tongues, nations

The order of these may vary, but the grouping does not vary; it is always in fours. (See Gen. 10:5, 20, 31; Rev. 5:9; 7:9; 10:11; 11:9; 13: 7; 14:6.)


Four is the number of the great Gentile powers prophecied to run their course before the second coming of Christ. These four powers are represented by the gold, silver, brass, and iron of Daniel's dream image (Dan. 2). They are also represented by the four beasts of Daniel seven. These four powers are stated to be Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. Out of the fourth kingdom shall rise the Antichrist, whose kingdom shall be followed by destruction at the coming of the Ancient of Days (Dan. 7:22). When He comes He will set up a fifth kingdom, an everlasting kingdom which shall never b« destroyed (Dan. 7:27).


The significance of the Scripture numbers is brought out by some significant contrasts between passages where they are used. One of the most notable and significant contrasts is between Revelation 5:12 and 13. In verse thirteen there is a fourfold ascription of praise from the multitudes of earth. It is set forth in four words: "blessing," "honor," "glory," and "power." How significant that when the praise of earth's multitudes is recorded it is fourfold! However, when the heavenly creatures render blessing to Christ, their praise is recorded in a sevenfold ascription. Notice the chain of seven words in verse twelve: "power," "riches," "wisdom," "strength," "honor," "glory," and "blessing." When earth's creatures render praise, it is fourfold; but when the heavenly creatures ascribe praise to Christ, it is sevenfold. The significance of the Scripture numbers never breaks down!


God's judgments upon earth's inhabitants are summed up or grouped in fours, and, no matter where we turn in the Word of God, we find this grouping.

Look at Ezekiel 14:21. The four sore judgments to be sent upon Jerusalem and its inhabitants are: "sword," "famine," "pestilence," and "noisome beast"

When Jeremiah recorded the judgments that were to fall upon Judah he spoke of those that were to be delivered to death, and to the sword, and to famine, and to captivity (15:2). Again in verse three he spoke of judgment of four kinds — namely, "the sword to slay," "the dogs to tear," "the fowls to devour," and "the beasts to destroy."

The future tribulational judgments which will fall upon earth-dwellers are described by our Saviour as four in number — namely, "war, famine, pestilence, and earthquakes" (Matt. 24:7).

This same grouping and order is maintained in the four successive horses and their riders as recorded in Revelation six. How significant that the Scripture gives uniform testimony to the fourfold nature of judgment!


In the parable of the sower (Matt 13), the sower goes forth to sow, and the seed that is sown falls into four different kinds of soil: the wayside, the stony ground, the thorny ground, and the good soil. These four different kinds of soil are representative of four different kinds of hearers of the Gospel. All of earth's people may be divided thus.

Four Gospels set forth the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Four materials were used in the building of God's earthly dwelling-place, the tabernacle — namely, gold, silver, brass, and wood. There were four coverings for the tabernacle: goat's hair, ram's skins, badger's skins, and fine linen. There were four ornamentations for the curtains.

Four times, the rainbow is mentioned in Scripture (Gen. 9; Ezek. 1:28; Rev. 4:3; Rev. 10:1).

The fourth dispensation of human history extends from the call of Abram to the crucifixion of Christ; and it has to do particularly with the history of God's earthly people, Israel.

Four of earth's creatures axe little and wise: the ant, the coney, the locust, and the spider (Prov. 30.24-28).

Four of earth's creatures are comely in going: a lion, a greyhound, a goat, and a king against whom there is no rising up (Prov. 30:29-32).

There are four things which the earth cannot bear. They are a reigning servant, a fool filled with meat, an odious woman, and a handmaid that is an heir (Prov. 30:21-23).

There are four wonderful things. They are: (1) the way of an eagle in the air, (2) the way of a serpent on a rock, (3) the way of a ship at sea, and (4) the way of a man with a maid (Prov. 30:18-19).

When earth's golden age, the glad millennial reign of Christ, comes there will be many changes. The earth will be transformed. The curse will be removed from creation. The government will be upon. His shoulders. It will be a time of spiritual refreshing and universal regeneration. The prophet Isaiah by the Spirit speaks of the glories of the kingdom and its eternal excellencies (Isa. 60). The transformation that shall take place is described as fourfold: "For brass I will bring gold, for iron I will bring silver, and for wood brass, and for stone iron" (Isa. 60:17). This speaks to us of the completeness of the transformation which will take place according to God's revealed Word. May God hasten the day!

(Next installment, the number five)